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We heard a really weird noise coming from one of the greys, almost a purring sound. It was very soft and we were getting into bed, I am surprised we could even hear it. We snuck in because if they would see us we wouldn't know who was making the noise. By the light of the night light we knew it was Ixta. Pat looked in and she was on her normal sleeping perch but still purring every few seconds. We turned the big overhead light on and before I got back to the cage, Pat said she was laying an egg. lol Sure enough, she did. It dropped to the bottom of the cage and cracked but we left it there just in case and went to bed. Pat felt so guilty, he is such a great dad. He wanted to go and sit with her and reassure her everything was okay. He said that she had just "given birth" and he felt she should be with him. Such a softy!

Most greys look and act like they are dying when they lay, not Ixta. We wouldn't have even known except for the purr. lol She beat the egg up the next day. I told her previous owner and he said that they had a conure for a bit but the spring they had him she laid 12 eggs. Lord, poor girl.

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And another 2 days ago. This time she went to the bottom, was playing with a ball when my husband told me she was rolling an egg around. I told him it wasn't an egg but a little golf ball whiffle ball I had given her to play with, he asked me where the holes in were then.?. I looked and it was another egg. And now the scarlet macaw is in season, she sees the hubby and turns her back to him, the tail feathers go straight up and she purrs that macaw purr. Boy is the hubs walking around proud, all these girls pining for him, such the stud! lol.

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I have two female Cockatiels that very often display for me. One is a chronic layer. The vet says that they love me, and except for hormone shots, there isn't much that easily can be done. I've tried turning my back on her when she displays, and it seems to slow things down. Not stop, but, I think she gets a message. It might be worth a try. Have your husband say "No!", and turn his back on her, but not move away. I hope this helps. I've seen this method work with other unwanted behaviors with other birds.

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After the second egg, he did just that. Didn't work. She was on the bottom tending to egg #2 last night when she just stopped and stared at it. I was making my good night rounds and knelt down to see what she was looking at when #3 popped out. lol And by tending to, I mean she was rolling it around.

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It is a natural process they have been laying eggs for thousands of years. As long as their diet is good and the calcium levels are sufficient they should be fine. I would avoid stimulating that behavior day light length, spray misting and food values all have an influence on breeding behavior that triggers the egg laying. Love is a glorious thing.

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