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Parront medical health issues

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It seems to me, that many of our parrents have their own health issues. I am sure that can be so stressful! Just worrying " who can help me", am I stressing out my bird, needs to be discussed. I would like to open up a dialogue with all of us, where owners can come to and discuss their health problems!

I am lucky that I don't have any serious health issues. BUT... I suffered an injury three weeks ago where I lost five teeth, had a head concussion and rib fracture. I was lucky to have my son home to help me with my animals. Not everyone has that support! Nancy

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Wow Nancy. Did you fall? car accident?? Maybe that was part of why Sophie was acting differently. I hope you are healing fast.

I worry almost daily about how soon the day will come when I can no longer care for my babies. With a hip, a knee and two spinal fusions moving is hard most days. I think they keep me going on days I want to spent in bed LOL.

I have one question - why is this in "Bird Food"? LOL

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Nancy, I am so sorry to hear you were hurt. It does make us vividly aware of the fragile nature of our life and best laid plans. Even though both my daughters say they will look after our parrots and dogs, they are young and don't have the life experience to understand what that commitment means. It would be nice if like minded grey families could network to help facilitate finding foster homes for our parrots for short term emergencies and for long term placements. You bring up a good point. I think it would be a good idea to put my forum username and password on Gilbert's cage and hope my kids would sign in, let our members know what happened and seek advice and understanding here. I really hope you are healing and feeling okay.

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Nancy, I am so sorry to hear you were hurt. It does make us vividly aware of the fragile nature of our life and best laid plans. Even though both my daughters say they will look after our parrots and dogs, they are young and don't have the life experience to understand what that commitment means. It would be nice if like minded grey families could network to help facilitate finding foster homes for our parrots for short term emergencies and for long term placements. You bring up a good point. I think it would be a good idea to put my forum username and password on Gilbert's cage and hope my kids would sign in, let our members know what happened and seek advice and understanding here. I really hope you are healing and feeling okay.


This is a FANTASTIC IDEA. Especially doing it BEFORE an emergency happens where we don't have time to properly search. Perhaps maybe start a thread or even a sub-forum where those who wish to participate can 'register' their approximate location, how many birds, etc. so we can who we are closest to, and make connections now.

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Wow, Nancy I am very sorry you had to go through that and I am sure you are still healing. You are lucky to have your son available to help. How are you making out?


This post is very timely for me as I am going through a very stressful time. My mom has just been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and we are going to the city Tuesday to get the scoop from her surgeon. Of course I looked it up online which they say one should never do but one always does and it seams most people live about a year depending on a few things like cell type etc. I can't really bear the thought of loosing my mom. I was out of the house for 14 hours the day they did exploratory surgery on her and I worried about Miss Dayo but she was fine when I got home and didn't even seam upset with me. I am struggling right now trying to study for school stuff, going to work and being so distracted. Not to mention my own last scan came back with a swollen lymph node which needs to be rechecked in a month to make sure it has gone down. If not it would indicate my cancer has returned and my oncologist says at that point I would have stage 4 incurable cancer. That's kind of mind blowing. Going from cured to incurable. but I have not even thought about that for worrying about my mom.

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Nancy, you bring up a good topic. The grey forum was created to provide support and share experience to bring greater understanding to life with an African Grey companion. The health of the human partner is paramount to the grey in our care. Maybe we could start a sticky in the health room, or off topic suggestions or whatever would make sense. Sharing our concerns, providing support and encouragement as well as brainstorming to provide for our greys during a rough time is a grey forum specialty. Bluedawg, I am so sorry for your new about your mom and for your own health concerns. We just never know how a pivotal day will change our lives.

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Not at all bluedawg. It is the topic. I think it's just good to expand on this because its something we all are thinking about for our long term care of our parrots in case we feel alone out here and need emergency care for our birds. I'm really sorry to hear about your mom and the stress of waiting for answers on your own health. Warm thoughts, prayers are for all your family as you cope with your illness.

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It seems to me, that many of our parrents have their own health issues. I am sure that can be so stressful! Just worrying " who can help me", am I stressing out my bird, needs to be discussed. I would like to open up a dialogue with all of us, where owners can come to and discuss their health problems!

I am lucky that I don't have any serious health issues. BUT... I suffered an injury three weeks ago where I lost five teeth, had a head concussion and rib fracture. I was lucky to have my son home to help me with my animals. Not everyone has that support! Nancy


It's possible to start a sub forum or sticky thread concerning human health care but it needs to be put in the OFF TOPIC ROOM . The Health Room here to devoted to bird health. The Bird Food Room where this thread is now located is for birds' feeding methods, recipes, habits of eating and all other forms of eating done by birds, not human medical problems.

Also, any communication between people who are involved in health care or people who have the need to get specific with certain problems can PM each other.

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