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Marden's Ark - Our First Year video


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It reminds me of the story I read about a person throwing starfish back into the ocean after they were washed ashore and stranded. When someone pointed out there were so many, it couldn't possibly make a difference, the reply was "one doesn't seem to make much of a difference, but to that one, it was the world". You are making a difference to each of the birds on you path in your mission. I can imagine the ones joining Marden and agreeing that the time spent with you was a lifetime of love.

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It reminds me of the story I read about a person throwing starfish back into the ocean after they were washed ashore and stranded. When someone pointed out there were so many, it couldn't possibly make a difference, the reply was "one doesn't seem to make much of a difference, but to that one, it was the world". You are making a difference to each of the birds on you path in your mission. I can imagine the ones joining Marden and agreeing that the time spent with you was a lifetime of love.


Thank you so much for the encouraging words. :)

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I've been rescuing birds for over 45 years, and am happy to welcome you to my world. I run my rescue from my home, like you, and have had a great go of it. Animal Rescue is a difficult thing, especially for birds. You're doing sacred work, and you're doing things right, you're doing things well. Bless you and thank you!

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Thank you very much. It really means a lot to mean to hear this from someone with so much experience.


I've done ad hoc rescue of dogs and cats for years. My worst problem is failing to let them go. I had a few 'adoption gone bad' experiences and have gotten rabid about not trusting potential adopters. Then I saw the whole "Bring Mealy Home" fiasco explode all over Facebook and thought to myself, I'd have beat that woman to within an inch of her life for grabbing that bird around the neck and pulling on her head. I'd be sitting in jail. I go all kinds of mama-bear crazy over two things - animal abuse and child abuse. Rational thought takes flight and protective mode goes full auto.


I've been told over and over that sanctuary is not viable, but with God's help, I am going to make it viable. I don't want to 'save' birds from one bad situation simply to recycle them to another. I want to know they are safe, and loved. I honestly LOVE every bird here. From the tiniest budgie to the big green Amazon.


I just keep praying for God to send me volunteers, and to please STOP sending me dogs! LOL (We have a temp foster coming in tomorrow - last minute death row pull with NO one else to take him, has transport out of state but needed a 10 day out of shelter quarantine to be accepted by the transport program. Yes, I am crazy. This big, bleeding heart of mine is going to be the death of me, but you know, I wouldn't want to go any other way.)

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I think several folks on this board have the very same difficulties, unable to walk away from a bird in dire straights, or a dog, or a cat or a fellow human on occasion. When I had a grooming shop taking my Wolfhounds, cat and kids to work every day hubby called it my grooming shop, adoption center and home for wayward women. (Had a Mealy amazon and a dwarf rabbit that lived there during the week also.)

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Anyone can help these "unloved" "abandoned" parrots/animals:



You remember my Sully, an older male Eclectus I found in a small pet shop. Sully had been found in a carwash and the owner called the local pet shop. Sully stayed with this pet shop on and off for 10 years. He was always returned for biting. I purchased Sully, got him a big cage and he fell in love with me. Ana Grey, my tag, who was my first parrot, hated and would dive bomb poor Sully and Sully would hide under my bed. I found Sully a wonderful home next door to me with a mother who had two teenage children. I gave Sully and his cage and toys to this family. Sully was very happy and showed his gratitude to me by when he was at my home (Ana Grey in her cage) during an evening card playing time, walked from his new companion's shoulder to mine and gave me a kiss on the cheek then walked back to his new companion's shoulder and cuddled up. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of how happy this guy was and how loved he was. He had a leather harness so he could go to fairs and on day trips with this new family. He was very loved.



Louie, male Blue Front Amazon. Louie I got from a woman and her daughter in a parking lot. I purchased him and bought him home. The man of the family had been Louie's companion and they had a great bond if I am to believe what the wife said. When the man could no longer care for Louie, Louie was put outside. I purchased him in September before it got too cold in Washington State. Louie is a great guy, he did everything I asked of him, as long as I did not try to touch him. It was very obvious that he was a man's bird. I had Louie with me for about 4 years and also purchased an older "unwanted" BF amazon from a couple who were moving to a senior citizens dwelling, Toby would not fit in to their new life style. He whispered instead of talking out loud because apparently the wife did not like his noise.



I am happy to announce that Louie and Toby now have a great new forever home with.... wait for it.... a male owner. This man had always wanted a parrot but because he is disabled and on disability could not afford the cost of purchasing a parrot. We all know they are not cheap!!!! Louie and Toby now have a wonderful forever home. It took me a while to find the right home for Louie, one in which he could be happy. Toby is also happy because Toby gets along with the wife who, of course, cannot touch Louie.



Would I take in another needy parrot????? Absolutely, my daughters are not happy with this attitude of mine and my son, who is a chef says he would cook them if they come to live with him. But needy parrots/birds need homes and I believe it is my destiny. It is hard to not keep them all, but I am older and I know all my birds will need proper new homes one day......

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