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I have been trying to get some good pictures of this. Rikki has had redness, the pics look like it's swelling, but it's mostly wrinkled skin..( I assume from rubbing her beak) on the sides of her beak, it has been there for almost 2 years now. I have not taken her to the vet for this as this is the only thing I am curious about. The vet visits stress her out so badly, she get flushed, stressed, bloody tears,and I prefer not to put her thru a vet visit unless absolutely necessary. Her behavior and eating habits has never changed. Any thoughts on this? I have researched alot on the internet and cant find any other cag with this.


Please excuse the peanut butter, it was breakfast time.









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Did your Vet take a skin swab of the area? It could be just from playing too hard, rubbing her beak as you suggested or eating something causing a little sensitivity reaction or a yeast or bacterial infection in the skin at that site. I know so many choices... If it is not spreading or bothering her then I would not get too concerned.

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It does look like possibly an allergic reaction especially since it is present bilaterally. Does she get peanut butter every day with breakfast? You may want to try to go back and figure out what she may have had contact with as in eating or chewing on, when this first started, and start eliminating things that could be potential allergens. Then add them back one at a time a few days apart to see if the reaction returns.

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You might try giving her a slice of Aloe to chew on. Sometimes they have it in the supermarket (Pic attached) I give Dayo a slice every now and then as a treat and the gooey center gets all over her feet and beak - it's very soothing and good for digestion. It might help Rikki's irritated mouth area.


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