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Baby grey sick?


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Hello, we bought an african grey and she is only just over 3 months old. Anyway, after having her for over a week and a half, I noticed some symptoms - i thought I was crazy, but I took her back to the place I got it, and they took her to the avian vet. After some tests, it turns out there are is a liver infection. The bird is a bit red around it's eyes too, but seems to be playful still and is now gaining some weight back. The anti-biotics will start today, but I wanted to know if anyone knows anything about liver issues in these precious birds. I just don't want to take the bird back if we know that it will have sickness all it's life. I would be so sad to let her go, but I also want to save my bank account! Any ideas?

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Hi Sheri


Sorry to hear about your sick Baby Grey. There are numerous different liver diseases in Parrots. Did the person who you bought your CAG from or the Vet tell you exactly what the diagnosis is.


The most common liver disease is called Fatty Liver Disease. Seeing that your Baby is only 4 months old, not likely as this is mainly induced by a high in fat diet, such as sunflower seeds.


Liver Necrosis, Hep C and Bacterial Hep are also some of the diseases CAG's can contract.


Avian Psittacosis (better known as Parrot Disease) causes severe liver damage and is attributed to overcrowding of birds and low hygiene standards.


Please check with the Vet what exactly your Baby is being treated for.


As for saving your bank account, I have 2 CAG girls, and they are my bank account, no one on this site can tell you it is cheap to keep a CAG. Not if you going to do it properly. They need a well balanced diet, loads of toys, play centres, appropriate size cage, Veteninary bills (for check ups, etc, just to name a few.


Good luck, and let us know how you Baby is doing.

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depending on the problem if its just an ifection antibiotics should clear it up the liver is one organ that can heal its self I would talk to the vet and find out exactly what is wrong and if it can be cured before you give up on your pecious baby. at Three months old that baby should still be on formula are you hand feeding it.




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I am with others on this one. Get a clear diagnosis from the avian vet you need to know exactly what is wrong.As Tycos_mom has said if its an infection that should clear with a course of antibiotics.

Was your baby fully weaned when you got her ? Are you giving a hand feed ?

Are any of the clutch mates ill ?


Keeping any kind of birds there is always going to be money issues, you will need to consider medical insurance or have a seperate saving account for vet fees etc.. none of us know if or when are birds will be ill but we all need some money put by ;)

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I live in Abbotsford. And when we got the bird from PEt Smart (flown in from Ontario across the country) she was already weaned, eating totally normally (had the most amazing, calm, cuddly temperment). It was only in the last 2 days that she was picking out all the seeds from her dish and not eating the rest...... She was also eating her own poop at the bottom of her cage. I really am at a loss because we spent $70 on colourful toys for the parrot cage and spent at least 5 hours a day with her, and let her perch up around the house lots - even gave her fruit and veggies which she loved. Can fatty liver disease happen that quickly from a couple days of picking out the seeds?


The store is not telling us what the cause is until today, but apparently the vet called them Wednesday night with the diagnosis and the store didn't go to get the perscription until Thursday night, and now they say that the perscription can't be filled until Friday. I feel a bit suspicious, but we had to give the bird to them if they were going to pay for the vet bill. My only worry is if we got a weaker, chronically sick bird - I have heard bad stories about people buying a bird and within a couple years the bird dies, and after thousands of dollars in vet bills. We don't mind spending money on the best quality food and toys and parrot gyms, it's just the "thousands" and then a dead bird that freaks me out.

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I live in Deroche and the vet that pet smart deals with is my vet they are right across from castle fun park she is a wonderful avian vet and she could probubly tell you whats wrong and if its cronic that vet used to work in their store but opened her own practice a few years ago its right behind burger king I don't know if I'm allowed to give her phone number on line or not but you can go ask her I'm sure she will be more than happy to talk to you after all you are the birds owner and have every right to know.


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the thing is, is we had to give it back to Pet smart and get our money back in order for them to take it to the vet. So we don't really own it anymore, until we ask for it back...... I called the vet but they can't give me any info because I am not the owner anymore.... :( Well, hopefully I will find out the details soon! I can't stand waiting any longer!

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I know how you feel I hope its not serious I had a Bfa with a liver condion I put him on aloe detox and his liver repared itself his was from being to fat and lack of excersize from his previos owner I rescued him and probubly saved his life. I gave him to a friend of mine and he's doing great This is a picture of him he's 10 yrs old now he on the sig the one in front


Nice_to_Chat_Patricia.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/09 20:36


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how do i view all responses on one page? I can only view them when I go to "reply" page, but any picture attachments are unable to open on that page. All I am seeing is a list of the subject lines and nothing happens when I click on it! Maybe it's my firefox browser...

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