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Chicken from Turkey! Did anyone else catch that? Love it!!! Blackopal, so excited for you! We can't wait hear your stories about Chicken! I for one would love to see a pic of the crew including Shelly. I imagine you have access to some amazing food items in Turkey? Fresh markets, wonderful sights and sounds? I dream of experiencing the culture & environment there!! You have some great adventure awaiting you, Chicken, Shelly,Heidi, and the rest of the band. Have you seen these: http://www.celltei.com/pakobird.html? I may invest in one as it would be awesome to bring Onyeka wherever I go. I thought of you with Chicken and the beautiful area you live in. The turquoise coast, spice, fruit and nuts in the markets, the beautiful skylines, amazing music and art. I am thrilled that you chose a grey to share that with! As for toy advice, I wonder if you can cruise the open markets looking for nuts, fabrics, materials, woods, and other natural products to fabricate into toys. Just keep in mind if you use metal that st. steel is a safe bet. You might be able to create some very cool Grey gadgets out of natural products some of us would really be interested in!! I'm sure if you have any questions on what is safe and what is not, you can find the answer among these folks. Ideas too. Lets us know what you have access to!! Can't wait for Chicken to get his butt home with you!!!

Edited by tommiekris
my grammar
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This is a very important issue so I wish to revisit and address some of my concerns... I am fully aware that I may banned for this but - so it goes.


1. "Right now, the bird is going to a good life"

"Good" is subjective to the living being under discussion - in this case a parrot. So this person suggests that a lonely life in a cage in some person's home is a "good" life for a bird that is used to living in large social groups and flying big distances in the company of family and friends to forage for food, find a mate and build a family? Wow that's a weird perspective. So is this person saying that they would be happy locked up in a small room forever without other humans and being fed strange food?


2. "Right now, as a new grey owner, you won't make a difference by buying or not buying the bird"

This is not true. Every little bit helps and by not buying the bird, explaining why not to the pet shop owner and other potential pet owners - you are achieving something. AND by buying the bird you are also making a difference - you are putting money into the hands of traders in wild birds - you are part of the problem.


3. "Getting this grey, wild or domestic, is going to make you very happy and the bird will also be happy."

This is the crux of it - getting a pet makes the buyer happy. And that's what its all about, making humans happy, regardless of the true cost. Getting a pert parrot does NOT make the parrot "happy" - see above


4. "It's up to the very experienced bird organizations to end the taking of birds from the wild.”

Classic avoidance. Outsourcing responsibility to a greater entity out there somewhere is classic of someone who just doesn't really care. Its easy to do that.


Very revealing words spoken by someone who is rolling out excuses to avoid accountability - and who is part of the problem. Its an uncomfortable and inconvenient truth for the moderator and for many wild species owners that their actions support and actively promote the trade in wild species.


best to all,



I am just curious if you have a cage for your bird? or do you let it free each morning so it can "fly big distances in the company of family and friends"? All four of your points are a false dichotomy in regards to this bird and as a bird owner yourself is hypocritical. Not buying or eating meat from a grocery store is not going to save the cow the has already given his life. Actually buying this bird may very well save it's life. I haven't been to Turkey but I have been to Mexico and I have seen how they treat parrots there. I have seen them in cages with no doors that they put them in when they are babies and as they grow they need to be cut out of the cage. That is if they don't die first. I am sure the bird this lady is looking at isn't being cared for in the best manner and as price is a major factor it could be subjected to sub par conditions and die before being bought. The lessor of two evils is to buy it and love it and treat it well.


"Wow that's a weird perspective. So is this person saying that they would be happy locked up in a small room forever without other humans and being fed strange food?"


I think the OP is saying exactly the opposite, the conditions you describe is probably how the bird is currently living and the OP is trying to take him out of that and give him a loving home. By your logic I guess if you had a relative that was falsely imprisoned in jail you wouldn't try and save them. they should just stay in jail and be treated poorly as you stand on your soapbox and tell the world how the system failed them. This bird no matter how it came into the hands of this person will have a better life then to stay at the bird store just to prove a point to end trafficking

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I am going to say this one last time....stay on topic....if BLUEDAWG, you have already started 3 threads about this topic, you have spoken your mind, your opinion, it is all here for us to see and read as many times as we choose to. Now it's time to drop it...if you continue beating this topic, I will start to delete them....we have all had enough...that's not what this forum is here for .....you had your say....perhaps a wild caught forum is the place for you .

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Talon, Someone has quoted an old post of mine - you are right, I said my peace a while ago and am done with it. But I have to say I do not feel welcome here at all.

And lets just try and keep the facts accurate - I posted one post on not buying wild caught greys. Just one.

Edited by bluedawg
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P.S. Dave007 - You said you would step in if anyone asked me to leave. LOL - Here's you queue :)


""""""""Very revealing words spoken by someone who is rolling out excuses to avoid accountability - and who is part of the problem. Its an uncomfortable and inconvenient truth for the moderator and for many wild species owners that their actions support and actively promote the trade in wild species."""""""


Best to all,


And you want me to bail you out? You gotta be kidding. What kind of stuff are you smoking?

Edited by Dave007
  • Haha 1
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I absolutely do not condone people stealing them from their homes and families in the wild, and if I had the option to buy one from a breeder, believe me I would opt for that. But I have wanted an African Grey all my life and I'm finally at a place where I can financially afford one (including the care of course). So I want so badly to be able to bring one of these majestic beauties home and give it all the love and care it deserves. I already got the cage and everything, there is no going back :)

I think you should buy this Grey. At least it will have a good home. As an aside be very careful with its diet. Avoid too many seeds. But once you have your Grey safe you owe it to the others lobby your politicians to ban the import of these wonderful creatures. Remember the way man treats animals and those less fortunate shows his true love of God. We are living in a time when all wild animals and forests are at serious risk because of selfish and thoughtless human activity. In the end we will all lose. Earth without its naturally living creatures will be a truly terrible place!


Steve n Misty

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It is a great big world and we are a small corner of even the e-verse. Lets hope we can pull it together and keep on supporting the birds we live with and to make a difference for those in the wild we can as individuals donate money to preserve natural habitats and we can help inspire legislation to protect any species we care about. There is so much wrong with our world and still so much beauty and life to care for and protect. ok off my soapbox now.

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BlackOpal, I hope your still with us! As a new Grey parront/servant/student/ myself, I know what a resource this forum is and the amount of knowledge found here is priceless. More info. here than at any university. I look forward to Chicken's contributions.

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