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Does this CAG look unusually dark to you?


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Hi, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I'm getting a CAG soon, they have already reserved it for me. Here is a picture: http://imgur.com/qGQLofQ


One thing I've noticed is that he is darker than the average Congo, dark like a Timneh actually. Could this be because he's young? Will he lighten up eventually? Or could this be a sign of illness? Please advise.

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It could be the lighting in the photograph. He appears to be past his baby stage. It's hard to tell for sure from the photo but his eyes appear to have changed color. The babies have black eyes that turn a silver gray, then straw yellow for an adult. The important thing is to meet him and spend time with him. He may be your best friend you just haven't greeted yet.

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Thank you both very much for replying. Katana: I actually took that picture myself, had him eat seeds from my hand and spent some time with him. He does look a bit darker than the average CAG; I was just concerned and wondering if the dark feathers could be health related. This is going to be my first Grey, I have put a lot of research into them but have never seen a Congo this dark before. All the ones I have seen are silvery/light grey. As long as it's not anything to be concerned about, it's fine with me.


I live outside of the US and there are no African Grey breeders here. The only option to adopt a Grey here is to get one from the pet store (as I am doing) and they are brought straight from the African wilderness to pet stores... Hence my worry with health issues. I have found an avian vet in my area and will schedule a check-up in the very near future.


The way they care for African Greys here is rather cruel. They sell these tiny cages you would put a cockatiel in at best, only feed them seeds, and don't put any toys in their cages. I ordered a huge cage yesterday and got a bunch of baby toys, went to the hardware store and got material to build my own toys and foraging things (and already built him an awesome swing!), and stocked my fridge with organic fruits and veggies. I can't wait to bring him home and give him a better life!

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I am sorry but if your only option is to purchase a grey that has been caught from the wild than you should not purchase a grey. Have you done any research into this? it is horribly cruel. If people didn't buy them then people would stop trapping them in the wild. I can not believe anyone would condone this purchase.

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So you're saying I should let someone else that would probably raise them in a tiny cage buy them instead? And what would that accomplish exactly? Good for those who live in a country where everything is readily available to them, but where I live they do not have African Grey breeders. If I don't get the one in the pet store, they're not going to release it back into the wild - someone else is going to get it. At least I can give it a good life.

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I understand your frustration but please read this article... http://magazine.africageographic.com...hades-of-grey/ These are such highly intelligent birds with such a long lifespan and complex social structure that taking babies away from their parents to be sold in pet stores is a real horror story. The practice needs to be stopped and the truth is if people didn't buy them there would be no need to do it. I also tend to agree with you though that if you can give this bird a good life at least you can save this one soul. It's a complicated situation. perhaps through learning about your grey and how very special he is you can advocate for the end of the capture of wild greys for sale in pet stores.

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I'm glad you're able to give one of these poor greys a good home, but bluedawg is right about the wild capture, it is horribly cruel. Perhaps as you learn what marvelous creatures they are through your relationship with your grey, you will be inspired to become an advocate for the species. It has to start with someone. Maybe, as a person who has obviously researched greys, you could contact others who are against the practice, and could make some progress into ending it. After all, it took years before the sale of wild caught birds was banned in other places in the world. My heart literally aches when I think of all this poor baby has seen and experienced before ending up in the store where you are getting him/her. It will take lots of love and patience to make up for that trauma. I'm glad you've joined us here. <3

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I absolutely do not condone people stealing them from their homes and families in the wild, and if I had the option to buy one from a breeder, believe me I would opt for that. But I have wanted an African Grey all my life and I'm finally at a place where I can financially afford one (including the care of course). So I want so badly to be able to bring one of these majestic beauties home and give it all the love and care it deserves. I already got the cage and everything, there is no going back :)

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So you're saying I should let someone else that would probably raise them in a tiny cage buy them instead? And what would that accomplish exactly? Good for those who live in a country where everything is readily available to them, but where I live they do not have African Grey breeders. If I don't get the one in the pet store, they're not going to release it back into the wild - someone else is going to get it. At least I can give it a good life.


You're absolutely right. The past is the past. The bird can't go back into the wild. You're going to provide a wonderful situation for the bird. I can see that you're thinking ahead. Yes, taking wild birds in and selling them doesn't make people happy but different countries do different things. Right now, the bird is going to a good life. Right now, as a new grey owner, you won't make a difference by buying or not buying the bird. Getting this grey, wild or domestic, is going to make you very happy and the bird will also be happy. It's up to the very experienced bird organizations to end the taking of birds from the wild. Different countries have started this process. More countries will also adopt that method. Right now, get that bird before someone else gets it. The bird is waiting for you. The bird is waiting to be loved.

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Thank you all for your kind words. I moved to Turkey from the States a few years ago. It is an absolutely beautiful country and I would not ever consider going back, but most people are highly uneducated when it comes to African Greys. They think it's just another bird like a parakeet. In fact, the pet store owner tried to sell me a cage way too small (24'' wide) and insisted that that's all the bird needed. When I asked for toys, he said "You don't need toys; if you get toys, the animal will pay attention to them instead of you and it will never bond with you. They end up destroying them anyway so it's a waste of money." I was too speechless to stand there and argue with that logic... I went out and got more toys than I could carry home. I also went hunting for some tools that I could use for foraging, a bunch of material from hardware stores to make my own toys, etc. Oh and I ordered a very large cage, which should be delivered by tomorrow! I can't wait. I'm totally ready for my Grey. I can't stand that he's in a pet store right now, probably bored out of his mind. I just want to bring him home and make him happy.

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Understood :) What country are you from? Do you know why it is that they do not breed them there? I look forward to hearing all about your experiences. Thanks for being a member here. Did you name him yet?


Oops, I forgot to answer the last question. I'm naming him Chicken :P

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Thanks! Umm well, I just pretty much drained my bank account by purchasing an expensive cage plus toys and supplies, so I have to wait till I get paid again :/ He's kind of reserved for me, but if someone walks in with cash ready at hand, he might get sold before I can get him. I'm trying not to worry too much about it though, if he's meant to be mine then he will be mine. I trust the universe!

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I thought I could get him much sooner because my husband was going to apply for a credit card for this sole purpose, but he was denied because of his zero credit here in Turkey, so now we have to wait a couple weeks. The wait is killing me! You have a very darling bird by the way. I love her cute baby face!

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I believe you will get this bird and you will give it the best home it could possibly ever have for you seem to know what you are doing. I hate how they capture wild birds for sale in some countries and maybe one day it will be a thing of the past but at least this one will have a good home.


About the intensity of the grey shading, my grey is very light colored, she is much lighter than other greys I have seen.

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I would love to see pictures of all of your African Greys (especially Sophie, the darker one because she might look like Chicken!). Is her tail a darker shade of red too? I think Chicken's is a little darker than the typical bright red tail Congos tend to have, but I'm not sure; he might just need a shower...

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