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A New Foot Food: Pasghetti Worms Delights!


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I found this on the Felix Facebook and it was a hit last night with all the birds. It was kinda fun making them too!



Pasghetti Worms Delights!




Because eating should be ridiculously fun! You can save this in a bowl in the frig for a week of silly.




You'll need:


Veggie Spaghetti Pasta


Veggie Penne Pasta


*optional: Sesame Seeds, Flax Seeds, or Hemp Seeds




BEFORE cooking pasta el dante, break spaghetti pasta sticks in half, thread penne pasta pieces with enough pasta sticks so the penne is full. Kinda tricky not to break the spaghetti, but you want the penne to be as full of spaghetti sticks as possible.


Bring water to boil with a little Olive Oil to keep things from sticking while cooking. Carefully lower Pasghetti Worm Delights you built into the water with a pasta fork or other tool. You don't want the spaghetti to fall out.


Drain, rinse then roll in seeds of choice (optional)


Let cool and serve your Pasghetti Worm Delights.

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We tried the sweet pepper one a few days ago also, with the black bean hummus mixture. When we found the peppers on the floor we realized that they were not as much of a hit as we thought except with Oliver, but the mix sure was, so I ended up mixing it with the wacky mac shapes last night and the flock was quiet for a whole 30 minutes just eating away!




It is a mixture of black bean hummus, broccoli, kale, baked sweet potato and walnuts all chopped and mixed to a peanut better consistency. You then cut the top off of a sweet pepper and stuff the mixture in it leaving the seeds in, replace the top on the pepper stem side into it (keeps the top on). Since they didn't eat it that way, the next day I cut it in slices for them, some ate it that way but most didn't. That is when I decided to mix it with their wacky mac and they loved it!

Edited by murfchck
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The first picture is the pepper one with the hummus, broccoli, kale and nuts, the second is of the mixture with wacky mac. (yeah, it doesn't look pretty but they really liked it a lot)

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I can only find it anymore at WalMart. Kroger, Albertsons and even the WalMart Grocery store stopped carrying it and let me say I have to make a special trip for it. Bongo likes the shells raw from it and don't try and trick him with some other shell either because you will get your finger bit. When he sees me get that out, it doesn't matter what he is doing, he will be on my shoulder before I can turn around.

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Oh wow - If it's really all vegetable then It'll be good for me too! I'll look for it - You can find everything on Amazon :)


Doooh - I found it here: http://www.amazon.com/Wacky-Mac-Enriched-Spinach-Macaroni/dp/B00K5YK67I/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423747577&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=Wacky+Mac+vegetable+pasta


But it's really just regular semolina pasta with vegetable powders in it. I'm sure Dayo will still love it.

Edited by bluedawg
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