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Here we snow, again.


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I'm never looking forward to any of this stuff. And it sounds an awful lot like Nemo 2 is on the way. Can't say I enjoyed the first episode very much at all.





So now I'm taking a short hot chocolate break because well, hot cocoa just makes everything seem a little better & my list is pretty well covered, too. ") All I really have left is to dig out the travel cages. Not because there's any leaving once the adventure really begins. But if things get as loud & crazy outside as they did before, I'm thinking the fids might feel safer in them. And if I wrap them up hopefully, their own body heat will help keep them warmer.


I've pushed the heat up & opened all the cupboards & closets for the day so things can get a little extra warmed up. All the battery operated stuff is on chargers. Inventoried a pile of non perishable food, bunches of clean water, clean critter bowls & hopefully enough heating supplies for at least a few days stranded w/no power.


After the last time, I added extra bags of tea lights & some nice sturdy candle holders that each take multiple candles. I also got a bunch of quilted moving pads from Harbor Freight for insulating our little cocoon, if push comes to shove. But I really, really,really hope we don't lose the power again because it's the absolute pits. At this point I'm just dreading tonight & tomorrow. :(

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Yup, we are looking at 3 feet....my generator wouldn't start, so its at the shop, hopefully going to get fixed and running by tonight.. We are all stocked up...the last time we got hit like this we had no power, no heat, no water, (well) for 6 days, 6 birds, 3 cats, 2 horses, 2 dogs and me & my 3 kids...if that wasn't a challenge....with no generator..so of course I had one installed after that nightmare! Very hard to keep my birds warm. we had layers of blankets over their cages and moved them all into my living room where we had a small fireplace we could use during the day. I am not looking forward to this storm....:(

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The forecast calls for a little snowing & blowing & it's all "Epic this!!" & "Historic that!!" from those weather people. Really.


It's not like the 10 below wind chill was the real temperature! That was almost 20 degrees warmer! And the 36" of snow they forecast was just way off! We barely got more than a couple of feet.


I will say, the wind did pick up a bit. It may take the rest of the day for that freight train sound to stop ringing in my ears. It caused some drifting, too. But I'm pretty sure in a couple of weeks, a month tops, you won't even be able to tell.



...all that worrying for practically nothing. ")




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I'm sorry I missed this thread. I knew some of our family was in the line of the impending storm. Where we stayed up north we had a wood stove,a generator, and a back up fuel oil furnace. The only time I was really feeling vulnerable is driving up and returning home. The idea of trying to keep Miss Gilbert warm and safe without bloodletting on my part was a huge worry hanging over my head. Then I saw pictures of the coastal regions, the waves and frozen homes. My heart really goes out to the families weathering the fierce weather. Glad to see your "little" snowstorm spared you the worst if it.

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Tell you what Judy; we've got a storm coming in on Friday & another one Sunday. I'm quite sure no one would complain if you wanted to take either or both of them off our hands. You're welcome to it. We'll still be busy trying to clean up what we've already got.

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We appreciate the lovely picture and also appreciate that we are not in it


There's maybe a half dozen drifts behind that one & the pic just does not do it justice. I'm going to guess they're all at least 6 ft high. For a point of reference, if you look down the hill (in the bottom left) there's a fire pit of about 6 rows of castle stone.


My earlier post was facetious, but also true, strictly speaking. SE MA & RI or the "Southcoast" in native speak, is just in a better position in that type of Nor'easter. We got a wallupping but were still better off than Rockport, Marshfield, Plum Isl or anywhere on "the North Shore". They're the ones who had the sea wall breach & tidal flooding during the blizzard & we all feel very badly for those poor folks!


I'm also starting to wonder about Penny/Talon, too. That area did get the full 3 ft & I thought she might have checked in by now. Hope all is well there.


I would just like you all to take pity on poor GreycieMae down here in Texas. She was sweating it out in her aviary at 82 degrees yesterday. Another warm one again today. She would love to play in some of that snow - until it melted in a matter of minutes.



SterlingSL, dear, not that we don't appreciate the contributions already made by the great state of TX, since that's where this whole mess, rather front originated in the first place. But could y'all either send us that front, too or maybe just keep it to yourselves if you catch my meaning!?! :P

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Traffic allowing, I'm about 15-20 min from Providence. And most of us around here would have trade places w/you in a NY minute.


Most everything, w/the exception of schools, may have been back to business as usual on Wednesday. Not like we're supposed to be effected by a little snow, being New England & all. But the reality is getting around is a nightmare. I have a front wheel drive car & I had to back it 1/2 mile up hill to get out of my neighborhood, yesterday. I also had to dig a guy out of the snowbank by my house. He was just trying to take the corner & skid in the slop even though he was going like no miles per hour.


It would probably have taken another week before we actually got some semblance of cleaned up. But we've got more weather forecast thru next week. It's not going to be fun around here for a good long while. You may not know how lucky you guys were.


But cheer up. Odds are there will be some kind of cataclysmic weather in your future, given the scary number of "super storms" we've had lately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my aching back! Sadly, that isn't even a polite figure of speech. Sheer madness to think that just about 3 wks ago, it was so outrageously warm for January in New England. It was actually 53 °F & we all thought we were so lucky. No idea that 2 wks later it would be -6 °F! I don't even remember wind chills of -35 °F before this. Which is not to say I hadn't block it out of my mind, though! lol


Hard to think we might have to outlive 3 months of this exceptionally brutal winter since we can easily see significant snow into early May. Crazy thing how the pictures literally don't measure up unless you actually know what you're looking at. But we're down to 3'ish feet of snow on the ground thanks to some freezing rain & a couple of "warmer" days. There are 6 foot tall drifts are all over though. I can't help thinking the ground is certainly going to seem a very long way down if this stuff ever goes away!





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I'm originally from northwest Pennsylvania and we took this weather in stride and went about our business. But having just come home and now watching them get hit with one snowstorm after another its really been more brutal than usual. Sometimes I feel a little pain for them as I sit in balmy Georgia weather. It caught up to us with high winds Friday followed by an ice storm last night. I could hear trees groaning and crashing last night and two uprooted and took out the new fence that was barely a week old.



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Yeah, I've always felt badly for PA. Seems like no matter where the worst of the winter weather comes from, it always goes through PA. I would think you'd really have to have a pret-ty high tolerance to live there.


No matter how used to winter any area is though, there's not much to do about ice & blizzard conditions except dig out after it's gone. Unfortunately much of what was left behind after our first blizzard froze in place & more feet of mess kept coming. Many more. When I say there's no place left to put it, I mean they're seriously talking about dumping into the waterways. Isn't that lovely!?!


The meteorologists forecast two, sometimes three fronts at a time. A rather ugly cycle of snow & ice storms, blizzards & most recently brutal cold.


Now you guys are in the cross hairs, too. I know just to make bad matters that much worse your storms tend to ice also. The good news is that it's pretty likely going to come & go a lot more quickly than our lot at least. But still, not quickly enough for people w/dinged up cars & downed fences (:eek: ...really sorry about that!).


'Misery may love company', but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Hope your snow days are done while they're still "fun".



I certainly wouldn't argue w/you, SterlingSL. I'm reasonably convinced the Stork dropped me. I'm thinking, I was originally supposed to have ended up right about here. :cool:





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One thing is certain, your homes "up north" are built to be efficiently heated. There is nothing like playing with fire, I love the wood chopping, fire tending and keeping a pot of soup simmering when I visit. I still feel for all if you up there hearing endless weather reports of snow by the foot. Sterling, we moved extensively with three stints in Texas. Both my kids consider it home and were happy to move there when they could choose to as adults. I've lost track of my "roots". Those pictures of "uprooted" trees feels familiar to me. Hope everyone in the path of the snow can find a warm spot to weather the storms and that you don't lose power.

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