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When and if the time comes

Ray P

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When and if the times comes to take on another amazon the grey forum will be one of the first to know.

As far as the Amazon I met last week, he is well on his way to being socialized be for going to a good home.

This pet shop is one of the best that I know of. They do not send a parrot home to the first person that comes down the street just because they have a pocket full of money and want a parrot. They take the time to tell you what it`s like to live with a parrot, the good and the bad and they provide a support network and follow up on each one of their birds.

I have known them for 30 years and they will make sure that it goes to a great home.

If I take in another Amazon it will be an older zon, a unwanted Amazon, One that needs a better quality of life. One that I can show that people are not all bad.

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Maybe not yet. But sometime in the foreseeable future, I think. It just feels like there's a mean, angry, vicious parrot out there who's just been looking for you for a while now, Ray. Okay, wait a minute!! That may not sound like it but it really was meant to be encouraging, honest! ")

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ray, I just have to tell you about hearing the Amazon purr. i have been watching a few different ones with tbe zest they have for life, play, eating. I have read here how they are so special when they choose their own human. There is a secret heart of hearts that says "maybe someday". A few weeks ago I visited Agatha again. She is a "standard fixture" in a store where I get my bird food and she is not for sale. I heard her purr and it was enchanting. I also heard her shriek and either it was still echoing in my ear or I could hear it from the parking lot with the car doors closed. :-) She was boisterous. Well, I have thought of her a little and thought of you and Cricket a lot. When I came home from this visit, our eight year old red-bellied parrot, Java purred at me when I walked past her. She has never made that sound. It may have been coincidental, but it was quite a surprise. She has been doing it almost every night since then.

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