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Waiting . . . .


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I introduced myself in a thread last week, and a couple of days ago finally made the decision to move forward with bringing a Timneh grey into my home. I am so excited! The only problem is I have looked absolutely everywhere, and it seems like the soonest I can possibly bring a bird home is June or July. Six or seven months! Eek!


I’m not sure what it is, but I have been calling and looking for about a month now, even before I had my mind made up, and it seems like every breeder I’ve tried has either stopped breeding Timnehs, stopped selling directly to customers (due to losing hand-feeders, etc.), or gone out of business. Well, there is one breeder I really like, but he gets 3 Timnehs per year and has a waiting list 22 people long!


I had no idea it was this hard to get a bird from a reputable source. Luckily, the last place I called said they would have one, but it would be July or June at the earliest. But now what on earth do I do until then? I can hardly wait!


How long is typical when waiting to bring a new baby bird home? How long did you wait for yours? :)

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Have no idea were you live. I live in the State of Washington and have rehomed and found new homes for three parrots in the last 6 years. I purchased my two greys, TAG and CAG from breeders after seeing them in the newspaper. Birds do not normally breed in the winter so there would not be any young birds available in the cold seasons. As most animals they do have breeding cycles.

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I live in Florida at the moment, but will sooon be moving to Alaska. The breeders tell me now is about the time to get on a waiting list, since the birds may be breeding now or getting ready to. Some of the early breeders have already sold their chicks and won't have any more until next year.


I've also spoken to three breeders who have been in the business for decades who say their birds just aren't breeding as well as they used to. Some haven't had Timnehs in a couple of years. One person blamed climate change.


So I am very glad at least that I have a good prospect, even if the waiting is going to be hard. It's funny, I spent months thinking about this without any impatience at all, but now that I've decided I'm very anxious!

Edited by Saskia
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I looked at the Parrot Outreach Society. Nice organization! I like the name, too! They don't have any greys right now, but they do have the sweetest looking little Quaker parrot I've ever seen. I hear those guys are pretty smart. Don't think he would get along too well with a grey, though.


Someday I do want to adopt at least one or two birds from a rescue, but right now I think it has to be a baby bird. I have a child at home, and I think a baby bird may present fewer issues and potential unpredictability, at least until he reaches sexual maturity in a few years. At that point, my son will be older and better able to deal with behavioral problems.


Don't get me wrong, I am prepared to deal with any problems and adjustment issues as they come, but it seems things might be more uncertain with a rescue than a hand-raised baby. Does that seem accurate?

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I'm going to try one more time to respond to this thread. I have done this twice already days ago, in depth, and it tells me my post needs to be approved by a moderator and it never shows up. I've waited days and days. I have emailed a moderator and he said he would report it, but nothing changes.


If you ever read this, thanks guys for the advice and support. I'm going to be moving on though, as there doesn't seem to be much of a point trying to post to a forum that won't let me.

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Your post came through. There are glitches in everything, just hang in there. This forum isn't too active on the weekends either, normally this is the time we are cleaning cages and playing with our birds since most of us work all week! lol I have 10 rehomes right now and they are all wonderful, I have no experience with actual babies other than the time I spend with them at a friends. I help get them use to prime time and playing. I wouldn't be much help in which direction to lead you in because I do believe that the birds choose us and that you will know when it is a good match. Out of my flock, only three really like me, the rest are the hubbys and they just use me as a taxi, maid and short order cook.

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