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Battle of wills


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I need to vent to people who know greys, so bear with me for a minute. You see, Mr. Dorian has decided that my desk is his new favourite hang out. He's been having a grand old time turning last years IKEA catalogue into confetti while he hangs out on 'his' side of the desk. When he needs a break from destruction he perches on the computer mini tower that is laying on it's side underneath my monitor. He sits there beak grinding, even napping some times. Cute, right? The problem is when I have to move him off the desk back into his cage, like if I have to leave the house. He's gotten aggressively defensive about his right to be on the desk, while I am trying to inforce some rules about being there like not severing cables with his beak. Unfortunately that's involving taking a few bites from him as I take the stubborn little turd off my desk for a time out. This is after not being bit literally for years. If he keeps it up I may have to step him up onto a perch, but right now I'm just doing the sad face and voice while I ignore him for a couple of minutes. What do you guys do when it's time for a battle of wills in your home?

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Walk away and try again later or bring out the big guns if I am in a rush, Tostada Chip. Everyone of my guys will stop what they are doing for the treasured chip of a chip! They step up and go where I need them to go and get a bit of chip as a reward for stepping up, all along making them think this is their idea. lol

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Nuts or banana chips around here, but basically, what they said. Just can't let things escalate to the point where it's rewarding them for bad behavior.


I know how much fun the computer desk is, in general. Let's just say I've been well schooled. lol But that aside, do you think his particular thing about that spot could have anything to do w/it being warm as well as suc a nice roosting spot?

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Well, my house is warm, but the same way that my cat likes to sleep under a halogen lamp,


Maybe because it was -4F this week, but that's what I was thinking. Nothing seems warm enough in this weather. lol


Ok, so maybe you can kill 2 birds (sorry!) w/one stone. Find something Dorian really likes to drink & use that to coax him away when it's time. Hopefully it could turn a tense thing into a good thing, maybe.

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All have excellent advice! I am just " old school", never bribed... ( but I would have if I knew better). If Sophie got to comfortable in any situation, and bit me....that would be a serious no no, return her to her cage. Her goal from day one when we adopted her, was to be with me or kids. When deprived of our attention, she was quite miserable.

She learned quick, and developed a new plan to manipulate us, within usually an hour. Its was always hard, to be " smarter and more devious", than Sophie! She is just to sharp! Nancy

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It's just so cute. He's so happy just sitting near me. He climbs down off his cage, walks across the floor, climbs up a desk leg until he gets to the desk top, then waves one little foot in the air blindly until I put an arm out for him to grab on to, and place him on the desk. I do love the little turd.

Edited by Acappella
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It's just so cute. He's so happy just sitting near me. He clings down off his cage, walks across the floor, climbs up a desk leg until he gets to the desk top, then waves one little foot in the air blindly until I put an arm out for him to grab on to, and place him on the desk. I do love the little turd.


I love when they do that :) I have had terrible problems with Dayo in my computer room so now I have the whole desk (Keyboard and cables) covered with a spread so they are out of sight. But I like some of the ideas here. It's hard to dissuade her with treats though since she really doesn't seam that crazy about anything but pencils and of course I can not give her those.

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We get punished regularly for not following GreycieMae's rules.



Rule #1:

"No charging phones on my countertop." My wife has lost several charging cables as a result of not following this rule.


Rule #2:

"Keep my countertops clear!" GreycieMae will immediately drag overboard anything she can manage to get to the edge. I lost my absolute favorite glass drinking cup a couple days ago because I failed to follow this rule. She hates a messy countertop unless it's her food tray or her playthings (which usually end up on the floor too).

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Good luck w/that. I could say it takes a while to bird proof a house. But I'd be lying. It's always going to be a work in progress. Which is why I bookmarked this when I happened to see them during my holiday shopping.




Although they're obviously un-initiated w/our little winged terrors, there's still some useful products ref'd in this article, too.



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Can you call him to another room? I do this if Brutus lands on my desk chair - a no-no. I just get up, ignore him, and go to another room and he flies after me. If your bird is off the preferred and defended spot he may be easier to handle? Brutus is not allowed on my desk or my chair. He can hangout on the air cleaner on my desk, but that's it. I have a silver lid to a pot that I go toward him with if he breaks the rules. He gets mad at the lid and not at me and flies off. He is out all day and does not land on my desk or chair while I am home or away. I tell him before I leave, "Stay off my desk" and he does. I do think I have relaxed grey compared to someone like GracieMae, so maybe this wouldn't work for you. He doesn't land on me either. I will pick him up on my wrist and he will stay there. I have about a billion cords on my desk and both my keyboard and cords are untouched.

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Can we clone Brutus?lol. Dorian is usually pretty docile and well behaved. I rarely have to tell him 'no' because he rarely does something naughty, except trying to lure the cat in for a taste of his tail. This new possessiveness over desk time is new. He doesn't fly, and he needs my help to get on to the desk. He climbs up as far as he can, but he can't get over the desk top without a hand up. I don't want to deny him the time on the desk. I looked at the cable covers birdhouse tagged and it's given me some ideas to bird proof the desk. I'm actually going to completely overhaul the whole desk area, but thats a major project. In the meantime I'll just have to supervise better. Thanks everyone for letting me whine here. I realise I'm actually pretty lucky with a usually pretty well behaved birdy.

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Dorian will be easy to train. A beautiful baby! Think hard how you can always be one step ahead! Sophie still gets into everything, but she is good with NO! I don't abuse the word, but when I say NO, she knows I mean NO. She will backup three steps. Of course she tests until she knows " must be important to ROM... better not mess with that!" Nancy

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