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My baby boy has become obsessed with my tea mug and its contents. As soon as he sees it in my hands he heads in a dead run for it. Once he'd gotten a sip of the Earl Grey tea inside he was hooked. Now, every time I get a cuppa he demands one tiny sip, once it's cool enough of course. I don't drink it very strong. Is this safe?

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I wouldn't know for sure about the tea, but be sure not to use artificial sweetener. It is so delightful to follow what you and Dorian are up to. I think he can READ! He sees the tag for Earl Grey and thinks it is for him, and finally someone has learned his proper title for the royal fellow he sees in himself.

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From what I've read, it seems like the problem is the caffeine. Even decaf teas & coffees have at least some & birds are apparently overly sensitive to it. Flavored teas may have a problem w/other ingredients in the blends, too. Then, like Dee said, dairy milk & artificial sweeteners are all bad as well.


Phenix loved to drink out of a cup long before he even remotely liked me. So when our first winter together rolled around & I started drinking hot chocolate like most people drink coffee or tea, I had to find a safe solution. W/him, I think it's more about sharing* my** warm *** drink from a fun cup. It eventually worked out that all soda, hot chocolate, coffee, even alcohol goes into a travel mug w/a cover & for the most part, the fids eventually learned to pretty much ignore them after persistent begging proved totally pointless.


They're right there whenever I have "normal" drink ware w/chamomile tea or warm apple juice w/w/o cinnamon in winter or fruit juices any time of the year, though. Even warm or cool water makes them happy most days. They're really just happy whenever they get to drink out of my cup.

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That's something to consider. I don't care for tea in a stainless travel mug, but I've got a ceramic mug with a silicone lid around here somewhere. I only drink water or tea, and I guess I just wanted to be able to let him share with me since it makes him so happy. This is a very recent (this week) habit so it shouldn't be too hard to break. Lol

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I only have 1 metal cup & all sorts of other covered types incl some cool plastic ones for cold drinks & some really lovely ceramic ones that I think I got at Bed Bath & Beyond, maybe?


Like you said, it made him so happy. Still does. So I never could break myself of the habit. I just pour 2 cups at a time. Maybe just a cinnamon stick in their warm water. Whatever. But that way we all get to share a drink together & everybody's happy.

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I am not a coffee or tea drinker! I am sure our birds are not either! They just love... what WE love! I start my day with a rockstar or monster drink for the caffeine and of course Sophie wants a sip. NOT a drop my lovely girl!I LOVE our snuggles in the morning, and while she wants a " sip" of what I have... not happening, and ROM has no guilt! Nancy

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It might be fun to get him a cup of his own without a lid while you protect yours. My happiest "first" with Gilgirl was when we learned about limeade from Val and Phenix and it enticed Gil to share with me. That was the first step she made toward me as a truce. It may be a brain-storming problem solver to keep Dorian from harmful effects of your cup. It may be just as troublesome to protect your fingers when he claims ownership of your cup. It gives me the greatest joy and hope to know you have earned his trust and he feels safe enough to challenge you.

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When I have my morning cuppa , tea or coffee, I give Misty a cup of hot water.He loves this and drinks enthusiastically. I have to get the temperature just right. Obviously not so hot as to risk burning him but if it is not hot enough he is not interested. I think he likes the feeling of the hot liquid going down his throat.


Steve n Misty

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Its the caffeine that is a serious no no! It can create a serious cardiac event in a bird that even a vet can't reverse. I like Misty's dads idea! After all.... they are just imitating us and yes it can be a bonding moment! Sophie is good munching on a treat while I drink my caffeine.I get up at 430 am for work, a half hour sooner than I need to. Its for her. I will be a slug for thirty minutes. She is up and ready! We are slugs together as everyone else sleeps. I can't imagine us not having our " slug" half hour. I know its important to Sophie, so it is important to me Nancy

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I use chamomile for so much here, I buy it by the pound. I make my own tisanes (infusions - no real 'tea' aka camellia sinesis leaves in them) and share with the birds. They get warm lightly sweetened rooibos, and I use coconut palm sugar to sweeten just a tiny bit so it's natural. Rooibos has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-mutagenic properties. If they get tea, it is always decaf, but that's what I have to drink anyway. Naturally decaffeinated is best as it's done with sparkling water and not chemicals.


I just joined biologist and natural raw avian diet advocate Jason Crean's Facebook group, and he promotes healthy teas for birds. http://www.beaksbirdhouse.com/teaks.html I make a lot of my own. Even the budgies like warm tea.


I do not usually give them tea with cream and I NEVER use artificial sweeteners as I have an *extremely* violent reaction to some of them, especially Splenda aka sucralose which is sadly finding its way into more and more "non-diet" foods. Finding it as a surprise ingredient is always beyond unpleasant and with knowing what it does to me I would never ever give it to any animal (or other human being).

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