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How would you handle introducing to children


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i have a 11 year old and a 3 year old. I want a grey, I'm interested but I would like more information or experience on introducing your grey to children. I wold never leave them unsupervised EVER, but I would like my bird to be able to fly and move around the room in which we are freely when we are home. I am concerned with biting children. I think it was yahoo that I read someone said their grey would actually launch at her and her children.. I understand that is possible but I also believe that any animal can launch at anyone and do some damage. My children have been taught to respect others (including animals), no shaking of the cage, picking at them, things like that would be tolerated. I also know that greys tend to bond with who ever they want .. how would people go about introducing them to children in safe matter for both the grey and child?

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Our 4 kids grew up with birds, cats, dogs and what ever else needed rescuing. They were guided to respect all animals from their earliest days, to handle gently to keep fingers out of the cage. With most kids there is more concern of the bird being damaged or killed by rough handling or lost out an open door or window. YOUR ABILITY TO SHARE THE WONDER OF AN INTELLIGENT SENSITIVE FEATHERED COMPANION WILL BE WHAT CAN MAKE THIS WORK. It has been said many times but each bird of any species like us humans has it's own personality, fears, likes and dislikes, it should be a part of the family not just a pet.

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I have a 12 year old daughter. It wasn't easy keeping her away from Congo when she was younger but we had dogs she could play with. I told her just to talk to him but not touch. I would give my daughter special treats Congo loved the most, crackers with peanut butter. After a few times of giving him the treat Congo started getting used to her as we worked our way down to grapes another of his favorites. At first my daughter would give him the grapes in his dish then would hand feed him. At this point I told my daughter to start petting him on his back slowly while he was enjoying his grapes. Congo showed no aggression towards her and soon after lets her pet him on his head. This was always supervised and now she knows when she can pet him and when Congo is just not in the mood. With more interaction, my daughter knew when Congo was in a good mood or bad mood.

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Ryan was nine, Sean was six, when I got Sophie. Ryan is now 23, Sean is 20.Sophie skypes with Ryan all the time as he is in North Carolina, gets to see Sean several times a year.She loves them both. They were involved in her life at the onset of our adoption. Most greys will pick one owner, if you encourage the entire family with a relationship, it can happen Nancy

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