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I have not been able to find any real info about this, other then a few stories on the internet.


What is the deal with driving with your Parrot?

I am a truck driver, and if I would be able to take my Grey with me while I work, I think it would be great! I have a huge cab with plenty of space for them to move about and play. And since I own my own truck, I could customize anything I want to make it more comfortable for my Grey!


Are they able to ride along or do they get nervous being in a moving vehicle?

Is this plausible or just a no-no?

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From what I've read here some greys love to travel in a car. I would just keep temperature in mind that If you are traveling the truck can never get too cold for your grey.... I'm not sure what that exact temp. limit is but I'm sure someone here can chime in.

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It really is an individual thing, I think. Miss Gilbert has traveled extensively by car between the Atlanta area and Buffalo region. We make each trip in one long haul. She doesn't like moving in the dark but I give her a night light and that helps. She eats and drinks along the way now but she didn't in the beginning. It's tough for either of our parrots to relax in a moving car, so depending on your schedule, breaks and time in motion, it could work with the right bond between you and your companion. Keeping water from splashing and the mess of food and shredded toys etc in your rig could be a challenge. It would take a tremendous amount of planning and commitment. Would you have time and a way to get to a vet while on the road? Would your schedule keep you away from your home base or do you travel daily on the same route and return home in case your buddy can't adjust to the travel?

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MY birds all love car rides..but only when they are allowed to perch on my shoulder. (they only go for short rides) I too, would be worried about making sure your truck was locked at all times so there is no chance it will be stolen or fly out if the door was opened.

However..just today on Facebook, someone listed in Parrot911, they got into a car accident and their cockatiel that was with them got loose and was lost..it is in GA. That would be one of my biggest fears.


One time I got pulled over for speeding when Talon was on my shoulder.. the cop came over to the car and I had to tell him (thru the closed window) to wait until I put her back in her travel cage, he did and was ok about it.

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Hi Matt, I have two greys, a TAG and a CAG. My Tag, Ana Grey, is 6 and very mellow. She loves everyone and is not a fraidy cat. She would be a great trucker's companion. Now my Cag, Sterling Gris is 3, he is afraid of every new person and everything. He puffs up real big to scare off the "the bad" humans. My youngest daughter and I are the only ones he trusts. Both birds I have had since they were weaned by their breeders. Both were raised by me under equal circumstances. I guess what I am saying is that it all depends on the personality of the grey you choose. Ana Grey's breeder made sure that she knew about nail clipping, bath time, and time with the human parront from the time she was weaned until adopted by me. This person was a great grey breeder. Sterling Gris' breeder was not so concerned. Sterling Gris, however, is a great talker and learns very quickly. He would be a great companion as he loves to sing and talk but shrieks like a banshee if frightened.


I believe with proper research and taking a young grey on trips with you from the beginning would be very enjoyable.


Both of my greys are fully flighted and microchipped and registered with Homeagain just in case they should go on an adventure without me. Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!


A lot of the same concerns I have. About safety, my truck locks, heavy duty, someone would need to be prying my doors off or breaking my windows (which are shatter proof) to get in. Also, I am in the truck most of the time, and when I'm not, I would be taking my feathered child with me!

The temperature control in the truck is amazingly accurate (its a new truck), so keeping the temp in the truck is no problem. I can even add a humidifier. I would need to child proof some things but it can be done. Also again why I would not be taking a brand new member along with me :)

There is enough room to have a nice size cage for them, and plenty of room when I let them out. As stated, I'm not sure about how I could buckle them down however, while they are out and about the cab.

And as for vets, it would be a task to organize it, but since my driving routs would/should be fairly regular, I should be able to contact some avian vets in cities/towns along my routes that I can always stop at along the way when need be.


It seems to me that the big concern is just whether or not my buddy will want to travel with me or not! It will take some planning and prepping, but I believe I can make it work.

This is also why I am looking into Rescue/Adoption. Perhaps there is a nice old out there Grey who likes road trips :)

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My grey Corky is a great traveler and has been all over the U.S. with us, 25 states to be exact.

In one trip we were gone for a month in our motor home and covered over 6000 miles.

We never leave her, when we go she goes.

She loves it and has over 40,000 miles under belt

Weather its our car, puck up, SUV or motor home, when her travel cage comes out, she is ready.

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All have GREAT advice! A Grey loves to travel! Get the right safety harness, right temp, and off you go! Sophie's first owner was a race car driver. You can tell. She LOVES car rides, and wags her tail when you go fast. If you go to slow, she breaks out of her cage and climbs on your shoulder, which is a quick pull off the side! SIGH.... Sophie hasn't gotten the fast driving out of her blood to this day! Nancy

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