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Why adopt a rescue rather buying from a pet store or breeder?


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This is a very informative article on African Greys and how buying from breeders & pet stores feeds the butterfly effect on illegal trafficking of wild caught African Greys. There are so many unwanted Parrots that rescue facilities are turning them away. If you are thinking about buying a parrot and know what is involved to care for them please read this article and adopt a rescue...



Edited by bluedawg
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It would be great if everyone read thru that article you linked. It's not that long & the pictures are nice. I don't think people from countries w/import bans necessarily realize what's going on around the world. CITES, the committee to protect endangered species globally, has no... call em teeth. The more aware people are, the more they might be willing to help. Just exchanging information is actually a big help. Or maybe signing a petition the next time the CITES committee is sitting. A little bit can go a long way.


Rescue isn't for everyone & it's good to realize your limits when adopting something so sensitive, intelligent & long lived as a parrot. But there's a difference between fids who need to be rescued & the ones who just need to be re-homed. There are so many really wonderful animals who could give back such a huge return for a little bit of love.


Rescue & re-homing have always been near & dear to my heart. And I have a thing about the victims of the wild bird trade too, because of Phenix. So I really hope your thread will help encourage people to consider an older critter before they adopt. Glad you posted this.

Edited by birdhouse
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Most of you know my Dorian was a re-home situation. Even though I missed all his baby 'stuff', I wouldn't change a thing. We've developed such a deep bond, even though it may have taken longer to earn his trust than it would have a baby's. I would encourage anyone who educates themselves on the matter and still feels like they have the ability to put the time into the relationship to look for a rescue or re-home. There are so many birds out there looking for a forever home and the rewards for the person doing the rescuing are huge.

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Our entire flock are rescues and adoptions, dogs, cats and the feathered ones. Each bird is a unique being and some are grateful and loving from the beginning, others may take months or even years before their innate personality can shine and trust can grow. I would not change the choice of accepting those who have found their way to us for a newly hand raised baby. Love them an appreciate each very different one.

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