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We've created a Monster ....


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Marco has completely amazed me lately. It seems within 3-4 days ... shes picking up new words. We ofcourse taught her ho ho ho merry Christmas and she just blurted out Happy Birthday which is something Ive worked on for the last few days as well. Not to mention the "whatcha doing fatty?" and heifer which is what I tend to call her since she LOVES to eat all the time. Sooooo that is all within the last month shes learned ontop of atleast 100 other words. Seems the older she gets the smarter it never ceases to amaze me. She also recognizes the phone it doesn't even need to ring I just have to put it up to my ear and shes saying "Hello"


its just crazy!~ God I love this bird!!!!!!!!!

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How old is Miss Marco? I'm still holding out hope some day GreycieMae will start talking. She's just over 2yrs old. I'm thinking the problem is me. I can't stop baby talking her and never use my regular voice when she's in the vicinity. Plus she seems to learn everything from wife and she won't do anything consistent. But I know what you mean when you say you love that bird. They are adorable lil monsters.

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Marco just turned 3 on December 23rd. Shes a Christmas baby! :D But shes only really been seriously talking consistently for the last year to year and a half. Now shes just rapidly learning things. We don't really babytalk her persay, but we are constantly talking to her, like non stop. She seems to pick up whoevers voice has taught her the word or phrase. Then shes stuck on that word for days and weeks then just as fast as it came on it passes and shes onto a new word. She just absorbs things like a sponge!

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