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Bath Time


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If you keep experimenting eventually, you'll likely hit on the right bath tub. But I've pretty much given up trying to figure out who will & who won't bathe when, where or why. I swear it's one of those things that totally proves how drastically different a human's thought process is from a fid's. But, at least she's bathing & that's awesome! Always fun to watch, too ")

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I thought these were supposed to be "smart birds"? Brutus does the same thing, the minute i change the water in his cage bowl He tries to dunk himself and he CAN'T! He gets his legs and his belly wet and that is all. I bought a huge cake pan for him and sometimes he will use that and get plenty wet but not reliably. I do take matters into my own hands on the weekends when i roll the bird cages outside and everyone gets a dousing with the hose. Brutus hates it but he has learned to tolerate it. The amazon LOVES getting incredibly soaked. The minute the hose is spraying him his wings go out like an umbrella until he is soaking wet!

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So yesterday was cleaning of the cotton ball cages and hanging some of their new Christmas presents. As soon as Koko went back into her cage, she stared me down and started stomping her big foot in her water bowl. That is her way of getting herself wet. All the papers and her plastic tub were soaked under that bowl, but she was happy about it! lol

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Too funny Ray - Sometimes when I tap my finger in the big bowl she'll do a "run through" but runs right back to the bowl she can't fit in. I still do bring her in the shower but just to get her started, she then goes right to her bowl to have some real water fun. I have also used the "Aloe Vera" spray to mist her while she's trying to fit herself into her bowl - that way at least her back and wings get wet too. Oh and she makes the cutest sounds when taking a bath - you can't hear them in this video though.

Edited by bluedawg
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bluedawg... LOVED the video! It was fun to see a grey enjoy water! Sophie never will unfortunately.... her one and ONLY pet peeve! Showers here suck! It has to be done, she knows it... we do it both sighing! After 14 years, we have done everything possible and I have resigned myself, to we just have to do it. Sophie has resigned herself as well. We enter the " shower agreement"... lets get it done, and then we can do something fun! Nancy

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