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Questions about bird


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So some of you may remember me and my bird Batman I got in May. He is a crazy enigmatic bird who I have named Batman. He is an African Grey Timneh BTW. So while he seems to be fine looking and mostly the same I have a few questions:


1. I got him a cage with a play area on top and he used to spend a lot of time there but now he likes to hide under his cage and take his toy with him under most of the time now and very rarely goes up? Is he sick or is he maybe just trying out different options or something else.


2. He seems to only like toys that can destroy or ones with bells. I have tried other toys of different colors and varieties that he can tug out, do bird math with bird abacus, and some interlocking chain stuff but he just wants prefers me giving him some cardboard or buying some toy made of different woods and he goes to town on it. I had to take the toy made of different woods outside and put it outside for him to play with it and make him jealous so that he would want it.


3. Are his wings okay. I am attaching some images to see how his wings are. I got him in mid-May and his wings had just been freshly clipped but I feel like his wings should have grown back already.







4. Also would he like a playpen like this if I got a large one for him? http://www.petco.com/product/118082/AAndE-Cage-Company-Table-Top-Java-Tree-Stand.aspx

I have a tiny stand I occasionally put on my desk but I thought to give him something big he could play around with in my room since it is all carpeted instead of just being on a tiny stand.


5. Just looking for any suggestions as to better playpens and some toys to possibly attempt to stimulate anything but his destructive habits. That beaks looks mighty sharp xD.




Edited by Santaeid
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Sometimes greys will fixate on one particular toy, he may be "in love" with it and getting down under the cage might mean he is thinking of nesting, you can try putting something down there that will discourage him from going there. My grey will occasionally go under her cage but she seldom spends much time there but if he is spending all his time there then it doesn't mean he is sick, as long as he is eating and defecating ok then you need not worry about that.


Most greys love bells, mine has a heavy duty one that she likes to bang around especially when she is a little pissed off, she will take her frustrations out on that toy but they all have their favorites, I see no harm in him wanting to destroy cardboard, its cheap and wood toys are great.


The wing feathers will grow back several at a time with the same ones on each side being lost and replaced, I would imagine a lot of them have grown back since he was last clipped in May, hopefully you will consider leaving him flighted, you do have to be extra careful of open windows and doors but to hear the flapping of wings is music to our ears.


Destroying things is what they do, they need things they can tear apart to keep them busy when they are confined to their cage, don't want them to get bored for then they make start working on themselves, I look at it like this, a toy destroyed is a sign of a happy bird.

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Hi Santaeid. My Toulouse is a timneh, he's been with me for 3 years now. He definitely shows preferences for different toys and these preferences change over time. He has a good size play stand that I can wheel around from room to room. For quite a while he was happy to stay put on the play stand but lately as his wings grow in he likes to fly to a certain living room chair (tries to chew it up--not good) and to the top of his cage. He loves to throw his toys down when he's on the cage top and have me toss them back up to him. Lately his favs are empty plastic bottles and throwing down pellets to the dogs. I've been thinking of capping the bottles and putting marbles or pebbles in them for more noise. More noise is best in timneh land as long as he's the one making it. Love the name Batman! These guys are a hoot!


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I plan to leave him flighted unless he is disobedient still then I will clip them. I know that sounds mean but I rather have him listen to me and not fly places he shouldn't and hurt himself since my house since it is very tall. I guess his wings will take a while to grow back and its good to know he is not plucking himself secretly at night.


I am fine with him destroying cardboard and the wood toys (cheap and last a while). I just guess every bird is slightly different in their own way. I just wanted to know if it maybe meant something I wasnt picking up. I may try plastic bottles also since I have a few. I just thought they would be unsafe but he never eats the wood or cardboard so I guess okay.


Are tere different sounding bells if that is even possible.

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My timneh's favorite things are cardboard and plastic. I have tried numerous wooden toys and he has no interest whatsoever. As to the play stand link, Batman would probably get used to it and enjoy it. If you get it, remember it can take time (often several weeks) before they will accept new things.


I remember reading on this forum that it can take up to two years for feathers to all grow fully back in after a clip.

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Santaeid... Many greys dont like toys, but love to shred! Sophie my buddy loves to shred everything and anything! We have been doing this for over 15 years. Triming or what you say " clipping"". is not a quick fix. Baby needs to learn how to fly and develop chest muscles! All birds need to develop their muscles at least until the age of two. At the age of two, I was good with " trimming", so Sophie could focus on training.

Trimming feathers, has NOTHING to do with developing a relationship with your bird. Thats up to you! Nancy

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I plan to leave him flighted unless he is disobedient still then I will clip them. I know that sounds mean but I rather have him listen to me and not fly places he shouldn't and hurt himself since my house since it is very tall. I guess his wings will take a while to grow back and its good to know he is not plucking himself secretly at night.


I am fine with him destroying cardboard and the wood toys (cheap and last a while). I just guess every bird is slightly different in their own way. I just wanted to know if it maybe meant something I wasnt picking up. I may try plastic bottles also since I have a few. I just thought they would be unsafe but he never eats the wood or cardboard so I guess okay.


Are tere different sounding bells if that is even possible.


Hi there

Listen I'm also new to this whole bird thing so I need to ask---how is a grey *disobedient*?? And please tell me what can I possibly do to stop my bird( also a timneh) from being such a naughty bird. Sometimes, he just drives me crazy:confused:

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