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Buying a grey


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I've been lurking here for weeks, and learned alot. A quick question. I'm looking for my first grey. A local pet store (not a chain) has a young male. He seems to be even tempered when I visit. No obvious problems, and the price is right. We've known the manager for years regarding our other pets, and trust her. A local avian vet has referred me to a person who wishs to rehome her female. Price is the same. She reports the bird is one year old, talks, very friendly, rarely nips, and very healthy-- And followed by the vet. I know choosing a bird can be very subjective, but do you see any negative issues, in either case? Thanks for your opinions. I just registered here, so I'll share more later (more time).

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Greetings kcOcxe,


Both birds sound like fine candidates. I would visit with both if you can and let your interactions with the bird drive your decision. They both sound relatively young and healthy so I would go with the animal that you seem to connect with best.


We look forward to hearing more and are glad you joined! Feel free to post more questions...there are a lot of knowledgable people here willing to share. ;) I am sure others will weigh in on this question as well. :P

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Have you visited the female yet? If not, I'd recommend it. Sometimes it's a matter of a grey choosing you, rather than you choosing a grey. There could be an immediate love connection between you two :kiss:.


They both sound like they would be very good birds though, so I'd probably just choose the one you click best with.


Welcome to the board, and be sure to keep us informed of who you decide to bring home :)!


EDIT: You beat me to the punch dbhelix!<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/11/08 03:48

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Both birds sound like good candidates for adoption and like Spooky mentioned visit both birds and see if one chooses you first and that would be the one I would go with.


When you have time please introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and certainly keep us informed as to what you plan to do about these two birds, namely if you choose one or the other or for some reason, neither.

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I agree with Spookyhurst and going to meet the female, however I will ALWAYS promote going to get a rehomed bird rather than buying a baby, the more rehomes that are bought, the less that sit in homes being ignored by their owners desperate to get rid of them, and it also cuts back on the excess breeding of these birds. The nice thing about getting a rehome, and especially such a young one, is they are past some of the awkward stages of being a baby, although in about a year from now you will have to deal with the bird becoming hormonal. If you want my advice, go meet the female, but I would definitely be more apt to get the rehome, as someone has already laid down a foundation for you. Granted it may have "some" bad habits like maybe a bad diet, or something like that, but with her only being a year old it will be much easier than getting a 13 year old Grey to change their ways LOL


Either way good luck, how exciting!

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Iagree you never know pne of the birds may pick you thats what happen with Tyco and I she picked me She had never let her previous owner come near her she bit her every chance she got if she tried to even approuch the cage she woulrun a hide down the back of the cage. When Tyco layed her eyes on me she was so excited she started paceing back and forth on her playstand and when I went over to her she reached out her beack and let me give her a kiss on it. Within a few minates I was giveing her beaky rubs and a scritch on the head. the woman was totaly in awe. She had never seen her do this ar even come close to letting anyone touch her. So I took it as love at first site and bought her. it took me 10 days to pay for her. So I took the opportunity to visit often before I brought her home. every time she saw me she was so happy and wanted me to play with her by the last visit she was stepping up for me. She definatly loves me.




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