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New behavior


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In the past few weeks, I've noticed that Toby (3 year old TAG) has gotten very interested in sticking his beak between my fingers, rubbing and nibbling (gently, usually). He will do this for 15-20 minutes at a time if I let him. Is this a sign of hormones? He seems a little young for that, but I thought I'd check with others on the forum to see if any of you have had similar experiences. Thanks!

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Similar behavior? I will cover my coffee or wine glass and Greycie will try to get in by running her beak down into the split of two fingers. That evolved into nibbling and 'licking' - yes she will actually put her tongue out to the point where I feel the moist part which is pretty far back relatively. That can go on for 5-15 minutes as she has become enamored with it. She will do that even when I'm not guarding a glass of something she wants. Is that what Toby is doing? I personally don't think what Greycie is doing is hormone driven, she just gets stuck in a one-track behavior until she gets tired of it and moves on to something else.

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