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Been a long time...but


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I wanted to say Merry Christmas......Sukei is doing well, he has about 300 word vocabulary.... He is full flighted he walks around sometimes and just talks.


I'm still trying to get him home, haven't given up.


He is so special......thanks guys for being here.



Merry Christmas

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http://www.nowzad.com/ might be worth contacting if you haven't already. I know they've gotten a rep for transporting dogs. But if they don't know how to do parrots, maybe they know someone who does or something that will help you??


And meanwhile, yes, how about some new pics? ;)


All the pictures are on the website......out of respect for the owners here im not going to promote it...currently im in the Philippines with HORRIBLE internet, so best I can do is post messages..........he is SO smart though....I almost think the wild parrots have a special understanding......



He always asks me Dad do you love me? And I say yes I love you and he says thank you LOL


Merry Christmas to all of you and your grey angels.

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