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Ew! That was gross, Maalik


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I was just sitting here reading through the Grey Form posts with Maalik perched on my shoulder, when all of a sudden I felt something warm moving down the front of my shoulder, and into my bra. Yep, you guess it. Warm poop. SO disgusting. Why couldn't it have gone onto the front of my shirt?


Thanks for the present, Maalik. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get changed. :rolleyes:

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Yeah well, I had a nice warm load run down the side of my face tonight. GreycieMae has decided she likes sitting on my head and has started pooping up there. I found it in my hat a couple nights ago and tonight running down my face. I told everyone in the house that would listen that if it happens a third time I'm banning her from even being on me.


The minute I get lazy with her she takes full advantage and she's found that I wont swat her off my head consistently. Time to up my game.

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NO WAY! I can tolerate poop on my shoulder, but NOT off my head! I always would give Sophie two minutes to get off my head, than redirect her! While she is a teenager now, it is rare for her to poop on me. Believe me... Sophie and I would snuggle before I went to work. It was " our time!", and I got pooped on!

I will never forget the day I went to work, called a code within ten minutes being on the job, and my co-worker was trying to clean off birdpoop while I was doing CPR! LOL Nancy

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I would try to train him to poop on command, and then take him to a place to poop every 20 minutes or so. When he's perching someplace other than on you and you see him doing the 'I'm gonna poop' butt wiggle, tell him "go poop" and then make a big fuss with a small treat when he does. It may work, it may not, but it's worth a try!

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