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Marco's Thanksgiving greeting


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Sadly you just never know how much your bird is listening to you and when they are going to repeat something :o take for instance ... Thanksgiving.


I was a bucket of nerves anyways because not only was my son bringing his gf and 2 children but her parents were coming as well as my other son and his gf and my best friend :eek: :eek: So I want everything perfect because its her parents first time at my house and Im just OCD about that first impression. I worked myself up stressing over this my BP shot thru the roof, but thats a whole nother story.


So we didnt have Thanksgiving on Thursday because we were waiting on my son's gf to get her kids from the ex (he had them for turkey day) so we did it on Friday. Different but it worked.


So my house is packed with probably the most people its ever seen, and there it was in the middle of dinner... Ms Marco (who was in her cage because of all the commotion and people there) says ..... Whatcha doing Fatty? ..... :eek: :eek: :eek:


I almost dropped my fork on my plate, I couldnt swallow my food, Im not sure if anyone really heard it. Most people dont understand her or what shes saying until you tell them and then they are like ooooooh yeah thats it. But this was CLEAR as a BELL. Oh joy Marco has just now insulted everyone of my guests who are over to OVER eat on a "all about the food" holiday ..... UGH.


Thankfully no one said anything ... and I just went about eating, but was mortified. Needless to say ... as you can probably guess we say that to her all the time :rolleyes: and she chose Thanksgiving to share with the family that she could say that for the first time.

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