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Weird - I Thought Greys Were Cage Possessive? What Games They Play


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Pancho has decided he likes Brutus' cage better, so now he is on Brutus' cage all of the time, and playing with his toys. Brutus just ignores him. I thought greys were cage possessive? It is true that Brutus is rarely on his own cage, he is usually everywhere else, but he does know that it is HIS cage. Isn't that weird? I think he likes having Pancho around even though he doesn't ever interact with him. Brutus never sets foot on Pancho's cage, however, even though it is right next to his. Not sure why.

Brutus spends a lot of time at Jimpster's cage, and he does it on purpose to rile Jimpster up because he likes to play with him. They chase each other around and try to nip at each other. Brutus knows Jimpster's range of motion and can easily stay ahead of him. For some reason he loves it when Jimpster hits him on the beak. You can just tell sometimes that Brutus will go after Jimmie to get banged on the beak and then he leaves him alone. Brutus plays with me too, in that, in the morning, he will let me kiss his toes but will move his face away at the exact moment I get close enough to make contact. He knows I want to kiss his beak, and he plays hard to get. About one-in-ten times he will allow me to kiss his beak.


What games do your greys play with you or others?

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GreycieMae has this thing she loves to do sitting on my laptop screen: she will slip down the back side so all you see are her talons and her head. Then she will fling her head back and all you see are her two talons. She waits until I reach over and grab her and she play wrestles, popping back to the upright position where I'll let go and she flip backwards again.


That progressed into her doing it the other way - on the front of the screen. She will slip down onto the screen holding on to the top with only her talons, however she does not flip this time. Instead she looks at me and expects me to grab her around the torso. Then she'll let go of the laptop completely and expects to be bouncy-bounced around in the air - back and forth. She absolutely loves this type of playing and will many times try and coerce me into doing this with her.


Another things she loves is a plastic chain with two bells I have hanging from the roof. She loves it when I will push her while she swings. One of her favorites - she is just like a little kid.

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Marco likes to chase my hand across his cage. I usually get her out of her cage, put her ontop of the playgym area and play the "Got your toes" game with here which progresses into me swiping my hand back n forth on her cage and she chases it. When she gets tired of the game, she climbs up to her tall perch atop her cage and I duck down and pop up with Peek a Boo ... and she will swing her head to the side and pop it back towards me and say peek a boo back ...

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chezron... Amazing progress! Its not that Pancho likes Brutus's cage better... he like Brutus, and is accepting the family dynamics to include Brutus. Before you know it, you may find your birds of different origins interacting off of each cage, trading cages! Sophie my grey, was the " least" cage possessive! Sunny, my son conure, loved his cage the most. He would get " annoyed", when both Kiki and Sophie would walk in his cage, stepup on his rope, snuggle with him in the middle! ( notice I said annoyed!). This was a bird that would attack your jugular, and as much as he would get annoyed... he was loved by both girls and really loved it! They eventually lived on or in one cage, so I went from three cages, down to two. ( everyone needs alone time!) I found one bird in separate cage, around 10% of the time. Nancy

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Love reading about your Grey games! It is so fun isn't it? I also play wiffle ball soccer with Brutus. I roll a wiffle ball towards his feet and he kicks away or he picks it up to throw. GreycieMae sounds like a riot. We also have a bedtime ritual. At night i turn off all the lights except in the stairway up two flights of steps. I go up the stairs and call Brutus and he flies up and catches hold of the door molding and dangles his feet and I take him and put him to bed. It is amazing to me that he flies full speed into the door and nails it every time. I hear a whir of flying and then "splat!" when he makes contact. He seems really proud of himself when he lands. Here they are all on Brutus' cageattachment.php?attachmentid=25843&stc=1


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