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Heart broken..


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I've received a email from my Vet asking me to call him first thing in the morning as the results were in after 16 days of waiting, the doctor did not carry good news, he told me that my Timneh is a positive C.Psittaci and my CAG has a PBFDV, my timneh is staying with the Vet for medication for 40 days and I am caring for two CAG that has PBFDV now terrified that my Cockatoo have caught it too... but we can't test her before 4 weeks from now.. It's so sad, the Timneh might have a chance to survive with the treatment but my other babies might not even survive a year, I am so sad, I've cried when the vet informed me on the phone, I cried when I went to him and heard all what he had to say about it.


I just hope they will have a stronger Immunity, I am trying my best to give them all I can, I feed them pellets and veggies/fruits/wheat/nuts the vet gave me a antibiotics to give it to them as well and advised me to purchase a Echinacea Drops to add to the water..


If anyone knows of more things to give them to help please advice me



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That's so sad :(. Is your CAG exhibiting symptoms? According to what I've read, if your bird is healthy, he should be retested in 90 days to make sure the first test wasn't a false positive.


As for how to treat it, it sounds like your doing all you can. Beyond making sure your bird is getting good nutrition, you just treat any complications as they arise.


I hope your Too doesn't catch any of this. Maybe since she's older, her immune system will be able to protect her better. PBFDV is more common in younger birds.

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Tami, I am so sorry for the sad news. My vet highly recommends lacto plus anytime our grey is ill. You put in a tsp. to 1 pint of water and use it as their drinking water for 2 weeks, followed by 1 tsp. to 1 pint of water of organic apple cider vinegar for 2 weeks.

He advises all his avian patients to do this every 3 months, to keep their systems healthy from bacteria.

He will use this method instead of antibiotics as much as possible. It does help a great deal.


My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted. :(

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