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Quarantine Questions for New Birds.


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I've recently entertained the idea of brining in another bird into our house. I have some concerns on the quarantine requirements and my ability to properly adhere to them. I know what I've read both online and in books so I'd like to ask those who've dealt with this before if my idea would work.


I've got a smaller house and unfortunately I am unable to provide a separate air supply for the new bird as well as the ebola suits and decontamination station requirements. I do have Rabbit Air HEPA Purifiers in several areas of the house but I know that would not be enough.


My question is, I am looking at possibly getting a 18 month old Caique from a private owner. The owner has owned him since 16wks with the bird having both its initial vet visit as well as his 1 year checkup. I've read the concerns about Caiques and Member Sterling offered up his pound of advise so I am still treading slowly on the whole idea.


Currently the Caique is the only bird of the house and is not exposed to any other birds, neither is our Grey. The owner and I have come to an agreement that he would have a complete checkup done with blood work to pin point any unknowns. If the results come back negative the owner will agree to care for him for 30-45 days at which time a second checkup with blood work would be performed. If the second tests come back negative I would then take ownership of the Caique.


I realize that I would still have a period of 1 month or so in the house here of separation gradually exposing our Grey to Caique over time.


To those who are experience in this, does this scenario sound feasible providing as much peace of mind as possible for the safety of both birds involved.


Thanks in advance.


Mr. Mom

Edited by tankaray
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If the owner is actually go thru that whole thing with vet--2x, then it's great although not necessary. Quarantine for new birds is simple. A person brings a bird that hasn't been checked by a vet into the house and keeps it away from any other birds for 30 days. That 30 days is for the new owner to take the bird to a vet. If any problems exist or show up on that bird, then the bird is no good. More than likely, any bird that's been kept in good health and a good living situation and environment won't be sick. You already know where the Caique is coming from. It's a healthy bird.


BUT------- ***** ebola suits and decontamination station requirements.*****

Where do you live?

Wild animals can get ebola


PS---think twice about mixing those 2 species. It may cause problems.

Edited by Dave007
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The Ebola comment was my poor attempt at humor given some of the advice seen online. I'm stateside and I forgot that we have quite a few members abroad. In your opinion would the initial full vet check with blood work suffice then. The owner is open to working with us. On the differences in temperament, I realize they are polar opposites and the owner is working with us on that as well. Given the time we have spent with him now, it almost appears that the Caique is more laid back then our Grey if that's possible.

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The Ebola comment was my poor attempt at humor given some of the advice seen online. I'm stateside and I forgot that we have quite a few members abroad. In your opinion would the initial full vet check with blood work suffice then. The owner is open to working with us. On the differences in temperament, I realize they are polar opposites and the owner is working with us on that as well. Given the time we have spent with him now, it almost appears that the Caique is more laid back then our Grey if that's possible.


Well, the choice is yours.

As far as that initial full vet check with blood work ----it's more than enough. The vet will give you the final results. You can get the bird quicker.

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I'd only go through the process described if the bird was coming from a rescue or some place where there is a lot of unknown exposure. Private residence - only bird, I would and have intro'd them on day one. Our Jardines came from a closed breeder and our Caique was an only baby who was being fed and raised where the lady worked. They were all thrown in on day one to have a good long stare at each other.

Edited by SterlingSL
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