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As Ryan my son, will be coming home in December for two weeks, he will be bringing Kallie, his pitbull rescue. Sophie met her before, but she was recovering from major knee surgery, and spent alot of time in her kennel. ( Sophie really liked her!) Now my adopted son, will be bringing home his German Shepard, whom is now six months.I am excited to have both boys home and their pups, but I am worried for Sophie's safety.I'm thinking it is too much! As I will still be working, I don't feel I can trust the situation!

I am asking my boss for extra time off, but don't know if I will get it. Both boys love Sophie, but I feel her " safety" is an issue. Nancy

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We no longer take chances after my idiot SIL let my bird out the door. This last go around with SIL and BIL in town and their kids we put a locking door on the bedroom and a lock on the aviary. Kids especially don't see the gravity of the situation until after it happens and maybe not even then. I know with my daughter she would accidentally let something happen and after that it's my problem.


I saw a picture on FB the other day of a wingless, featherless CAG that is recovering from a dog attack - pit bull of course. I would be very nervous and careful if I were you.

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As Ryan my son, will be coming home in December for two weeks, he will be bringing Kallie, his pitbull rescue. Sophie met her before, but she was recovering from major knee surgery, and spent alot of time in her kennel. ( Sophie really liked her!) Now my adopted son, will be bringing home his German Shepard, whom is now six months.I am excited to have both boys home and their pups, but I am worried for Sophie's safety.I'm thinking it is too much! As I will still be working, I don't feel I can trust the situation!

I am asking my boss for extra time off, but don't know if I will get it. Both boys love Sophie, but I feel her " safety" is an issue. Nancy



Personally, I would really worry about the 2 dogs as far as their short term and long term reactions towards each other. Both of those breeds have potentially aggressive personalities and you can;'t realy know whats gonna happen both now an the future. You may be wise to get the male neutered. A male bothering a female who's not in heat can be a nasty situation. Males don't know any better. I have a Brittney spaniel and he won't put up with any other dogs around him, male or female. As far as my greys, he has no interest but another dog would cause a lot of trouble in the house. He'll try to piss on them showing his dominance. He'll even do that at the vet's office. Sophie?? Well you can put her anywhere.

Edited by Dave007
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In my experience, young people believe "they know the best way to do everything". For the safety of Sophie, I would move her cage to your bedroom and because she is an out of the cage girl, leave her cage open and lock the bedroom door until you get home from work. That way, the kids and have the rest of the house to let their dogs destroy whatever they want. Of course, the other alternative is to make the guys kennel their dogs until you get home. Of course young people are not always good about quickly closing an outside door, so in your place I would keep Sophie in the bedroom until you are home.

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks all! I;m going to tell Dan, he needs to leave his pup at his dad's when he comes here. One night only, he can bring his dog, and I will put Sophie in my room as suggested. I'm going to tell Ryan to bring his kennel for Kallie. Sophie to be in my room during the day when i am at work, then when I get home, Kallie gets kenneled so Sophie can enjoy time with Ryan.Ryan will be here for just a week, so I am sure we can work it out. I am just grateful, Sean will be home from college as well and he will make sure everyone is on the same page when I am at work.Seam loves her as much as I do (although he tells me she is a pain in the ass, while petting her!)

Sean is sure Sophie will treat him like " pfffff", once Ryan gets home. I'm not so sure.... she goes CRAZY when Sean walks in the door and she see's him monthly at least. Nancy

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