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Baby Beemo


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Too cute. They certainly do grow fast. Fully feathered and ready to face the world!


Hi there, I notice you have a Sun Conure too? My Sun Charlie has been way super jealous since I got Beemo. I try to give him attention first before tending to Beemo so he still feels special lol.

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robopetz.... I apologize.... I was not kind to you when I stated " you should not have gotten this bird before sixteen weeks." It drives me crazy when birds are not fully weened, setting them up for failure! I didn't know your story, nor did I appreciate the hand feedings you must have done! I am sorry.

Please tell us more about your baby. I honestly am interested! Nancy

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robopetz.... I apologize.... I was not kind to you when I stated " you should not have gotten this bird before sixteen weeks." It drives me crazy when birds are not fully weened, setting them up for failure! I didn't know your story, nor did I appreciate the hand feedings you must have done! I am sorry.

Please tell us more about your baby. I honestly am interested! Nancy


No apology needed. I understand that your best interest is for these birdies and I would feel the same way if someone did not do the proper homework in raising a bird this young.


Beemo update... He is flighted! well kind of lol. He loves to fly a short distance now. He immediately flies to me when I enter the room. He loves to fly even if its just to take a couple steps, too cute! He also learned his first "noise". What is that noise? He imitates my cockatiels call. I am just glad its not my Sun conures call, although I know he will eventually pick that up too. Lastly, he used his feet for the first time to hold a toy he was playing with. All these lil "first" moments makes it all precious.


He is at the stage (which is my least fav during hand feeding) where he rather play than get a feeding when its feeding time. So as a normal worried parront this is the part where I worry he is not eating enough. But its all the process of hand feeding. He is a great eater with normal foods, its just that he is still young to where he dont eat enough yet to stop his feeding of baby food. Hes 10 weeks now so about 2-4 weeks more she should be fully weaned.


I am planning to start training as soon as he is comfortably weaned so if yall have and tips, tricks, or suggestions with that then all is welcome! =)


Here is a pic I made, enjoy!



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He is gorgeous!!!!! I promise to be by your side, when the food throwing process starts! LOL! FYI.... raspberries take off the paint on the walls when scrubbing it off! LOL!

My most important tip, is to start working on stepup and stepdown.... for me, these are the first steps for training, and if you can, do it several times a day.

Also, if you have a second family member, encourage that trust to develop. I always had two of us to practice flight. One to send off, one to receive .your baby is young, so his " perception" of space, is not fully developed. Meaning... as he flies furthur and furthur, his " perception" of space, is off! Put " decals" in the window. Baby sees the tree outside, and thats where he thinks he is flying too! The decals shows the baby where " space" ends. This will save you from many crash landings off the window.( learned the hard way!) Nancy

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robopetz....; I can go on and on.... just shut me up! My number one rule when I got my Amazon as a baby ( the only baby we had), was to ALWAYS satisfy the oral stage. It didn't matter to me that it took Kiki nine months to be fully weened off of syringe and hand feedings. Mostly hand feedings of yogurt off a spoon, whatever she needed. She became our best eater, and taught all the birds to try new foods. Always satisfy the oral stage. She could eat and eat and eat, but in the evening, she wanted something off a spoon. No biggie! Nancy

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