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It's Been Awhile But We Are Back


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Hello all! How I've missed reading about what's been going on in your lives! It's been awhile and there have been some changes in the household... We celebrated Jake's 12th birthday in September and in another week he will be a member of our flock for officially 1 year! In the last 6 months Jake has put together a couple of new phrases on his own (Hi there and hi bird) which he pulled from hi and Jake's a pretty bird <---- which he has only said once after a complete stranger said it to him. We have also grown our flock by one over the summer. My mother in law's umbrella cockatoo Casper has come to stay with us permanently. It was definitely tense that first month however they can be out in the same room at the same time now. I don't think they will ever be friends but I also never expected them to. Jake has officially chosen his favorite as my husband however when hes not available I have been deemed as a suitable replacement.


Funny enough I had another first before composing this post, usually Jake will talk when the grown ups have left the room or when he's entertaining himself. But tonight while sitting on my shoulder he keeps saying his slow hello, there's some shaking going on too so maybe his pushing his boundaries after seeing how trusting Casper has been with us over the last few months?


And if that alone wasn't enough changes we are now expecting a baby of the 2 legged non feathered kind, so this does bring me to ask.... any advice out there for prepping the flock ahead of time for the new arrival?

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Congratulation!!! The only thing I can think of is to have a lot of the baby things around them beforehand do they can get use to them. The say to bring home a blanket from the hospital that you have used to wrap the baby in so dogs can get a sniff or the baby's odor, but I don't know if that will work with birds though.

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Yes, congratulations! I don't have anything to contribute since I haven't had a baby and a bird at the same time. I do know from grandkids that a grey quickly learns to cry like a baby! All I can really think of is be sure your bird still gets the attention he gets pre-baby. I've found they are jealous (at least Timber is).

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