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Ixta, our newest resident.


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My technique is so simple anyone can do it. What you do is stand very far away so not to scare the bird, use the zoom feature on your phone which makes every picture taken blurry and grainy, then crop it. lol


Our brave little girl who normally slams the doors shut when I am changing waters or food decided this morning not to slam the door but exit thru it! It was so cute, she saw me come back in with the "fresh" bowl and ran back thru the door and waited for me to put it back in. lol She is a ham with a huge vocabulary.

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This should help dry those tears, well maybe. I laughed so hard I did tear up some.

Ixta can out yesterday without a problem. She stepped right up for Pat and he brought her out to Bongo's stand in the kitchen area bay window. She loved it and couldn't wait to get near Bongo. She slowly side stepped her way to him, watching him ever so closely, but when she looked away for a second Bongo beaked her right on top of her poor little head. She looked so confused and now thinks that stand is bad. She still wants by Bongo but that stand attacked her. lol


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It is such a bad stand she wouldn't leave her room yesterday. lol

She makes such weird noises when you walk in her room. We think she is trying to scare us away but we end up laughing instead of running. It is hard to explain the sounds, one is like Donald Duck talking without words and then a pop sound at the end. She tried this one on me last night at bedtime, all was quiet and then she started this. I giggled, Bongo then followed making the same noise, I started full out laughing. Then they did the sounds again followed by Gabby snorting. My laugh must have been contagious, Bongo, Cotay and Bubba are now all laughing too, I felt so bad having to say good night and turn the lights off. As I dimmed the lights for sunset, my boy Bubba was softly saying "I love". What a beautiful evening.

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Ixta started something new yesterday. Every time Pat would ask her for a kiss, she would pull out his arm hair then kiss him. It was so darn cute, I just wish I had the video out earlier when he was trying to reason with her why that was a bad thing to do, how much it hurt and that he "needed" to keep those hairs. lol



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And so the name chosen for me lives on. My hopes dashed that at least one bird would say my name. It has been a week now and every morning I am welcomed by Ixta with a raspberry (Phtthh, which is my name given by the macaws) then a kiss (sound). What do these stinkers do, talk all day about what to call me? I am not sure if I have mentioned that she has also learned that beautiful (haha) Cockatoo scream. It is Lily's scream we know because Gus's scream comes out Ralph, ralph, ralph. I am trying to get this on video because it is quite funny to hear this very loud cockatoo scream come out of a little bald grey, but when the camera comes out I get the evil eye. Since this is her favorite thing to do now you would think I could capture it! She now steps up readily for Pat from anywhere and I get the Cotay bite from her if I even try. The females are all about Pat but that is okay, I still have my Bongo, for now at least.

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