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Ixta, our newest resident.


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Ixta moved in last Saturday. She is so scared but really trying to fit in with the other greys. She had not been out of her cage for years and years. The day she moved in, we put her in the cage we have in the kitchen with the doors open and she was on top in minutes. She is a plucker and we found she doesn't fly (yet). She growls more than any bird I have ever had. Has no idea what step up means either and she is afraid of hands, heck, she is afraid of people. We are not forcing her to do anything, we take the others out of the room and open her cage door and let her explore. Yesterday, we turned a corner. When I woke them up in the morning, I was opening the curtains near her cage and she came to the side and watched me. She started sticking her beak out of the bars like she wanted a kiss, so I asked her for one and she made the biggest kiss noise ever. I thought about going in closer for a real kiss but then my brain started working again and I decided not to, been tricked by their cuteness more than once. Then last night when she was out of the cage, Pat had gone in there to talk with her and she got scared when he came in and flew, well tried to fly and landed on the floor. Pat was on the floor and scooted over to her and offered his arm to her and she stepped up (growling the whole time and screaming as if she was dying) He didn't want to stand up and scare her more so he walked on his knees to her cage so she could make the choice to go back in or stay out, she went in of course but this was a huge step for her!

She whistles Happy Birthday and now my other 3 are getting their Andy Griffith and Happy Birthday mixed up! She does talk but has yet to say anything here. She says I am going when you say that you are leaving and when she hears the door, she will say I am gone. Those I have heard at her previous home. I am not sure of her age yet, should find that out in the next few weeks.

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So she was on her cage yesterday and I went into the room to talk to her and sing (?). I had my hands behind my back so she didn't get scared and was able to get semi close to the cage. Everything was going very good until I had to bring my arms to the front, I could only stand like that for so long. It scared her and she attempted to fly but hit the floor. The really great news is she came to me and put her foot up for me to pick her up! I was so happy she trusted me at least that much. I did not dilly dally and put her right back on her cage so she would know I am there to keep her safe. Again at dinner time when I went in to put her back in her cage, she flew off and did the same thing. We were told she would never step up, this makes 2 times she stepped up for me and 2 times for Pat! She also got a spray bath the other day and she totally loved it, opening her wings and moving around! The second try at a bath did not go so well, maybe 2 a week right now is too much for her.

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It's great to read about a grey that is getting a second chance at life. Makes me smile every time I read one of these posts. Also sounds like she is warming up to you, I know exactly how it feels the first time they trust enough to step up, it's great! Thanks for giving a great home to a grey in need!

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Poor girl wouldn't come out of her cage at all yesterday. I left the door open for her but she stayed inside. It was a growling sort of day. I was taking out the bowls and changing the water and she followed me around the cage sticking her beak out growling then out of the blue she would make a kiss noise, if I responded to it she growled again. She is doing really good in my opinion though adjusting to her new life here. I just can't wait for the day she gets to come out and play with the rest. Bongo is interested in her, not sure though if it is in a good way or not. He watches her very closely.

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I know, doesn't seem right, lol. Huge score yesterday! Both Pat and I were able to rub her beak a bit. Pat left Cotay in the room with her and he stayed in there and played with Cotay so Ixta could watch. I peeked through the window to watch this and boy did Ixta pay attention. She has a tick where she rocks herself back and forth when she is nervous, she did this for a bit when Pat was getting Cotay out and moving the stand to the center of the room, but then once Cotay was out, she stopped rocking a watched. It was cute and sad at the same time. Like she was thinking, I want to do that too, I want to have raspberries blown on my belly and laugh, I want to be close to your chest and be hugged too. It was so heart jerking but one day, I can see it in her eyes, she will be able to trust in our love for her!

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We have found out that Ixta is 12, born 2002. She is coming around slowly to us, of course more so with Pat but I will take what she is ready to give. I did get to rub her beak a little and the top of her head through the bars, oh and play with her foot some (she didn't like that as much as the head rub). I also have been able to put my arm inside her cage with out her running off to hide behind a toy, she just sat on the perch and quietly growled but then saw what I was doing and ran over to check it out. I put another bowl in there for pellets. I was mixing the pellets with a little seed until she got use to it, but she loves her pellets so it was time! She also slams her food door closed on me if I am not quick enough putting the bowl in, which is pretty funny because I need it open because my hands are full of bowls. She slams it shut, I have to put the bowls down to open it again. Bubba opens his door for me, she needs to watch him and not Cotay. Since Cotay doesn't like me to much, I get finger nipped when I put her bowl in and Ixta has started doing this also, good times, lol.

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Oh joy, oh joy. Ixta has a new sound.

Had the Too's outside yesterday so we could get the Christmas stuff out of the attic, Gus and Lily were screaming, of course. I went to the back door to try and get them quiet and Pat was in their room and we heard it, the every so ear drum blowing scream of an umbrella cockatoo. Pat came out of the bird room with a pale face as it was dawning on me that that scream had not come from the too's. Pat and I looked at each other in silence, shook our heads and went back to working. Heard it about 3 more times in an hours time. Really, even she won't say my name but learns that in a 2 week time and it is a perfect match? lol Oh boy.

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Miss Ixta is coming around a lot quicker than we expected, in no time she will be out with the others! I got to rub her beak last night but Pat got to get kisses! He has been working with her by just opening the cage door and putting his hand out to her, she no longer runs and hides behind toys but comes to his hand and touches him with her beak very gently. She has put one foot on him like she was going to step up, but only for a second. She doesn't bite, but will softly grab your finger with her beak. Gotta be quick though because she loves to chew and if she gets a hold of your shirt sleeve there will be a hole in it before you even see her with it. Her old home had sheets covering the top so if another bird landed on it no damage could be done, so now she loves chewing material.

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She pushed my hand away with her beak yesterday, so gently. Pat on the other hand got to give her a ride on his arm, that is twice now but he doesn't count the first time because she only stepped up out of necessity. She is also talking a lot, couldn't hear her from where I standing was by the macaws (go figure) but Pat could and tried to repeat it to me but heck, I couldn't hear him either. They were weird things though and even Cotays, "Come on". She is really a smart girl and picks things up quickly.

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Woo-Hoo!!!!! Ixta made it to the living room! She got a ride on Pats arm, was a little scared at first when she saw the stand but got on it and investigated everything she could. She was only there about 15 minutes, not sure if a dog barked or Cotay, on the stand next to her, decided to fly but the two of them took off. Cotay went to the top of Chacho's cage (bad idea) and Ixta to the floor. Pat went to Cotay first so I swooped in to "save" Ixta. I picked her up and we went back to the her cage since it was dinner time anyway. Pat was amazed at how well she rode on my hand. I lightly put my thumb on her foot, which she normally doesn't like her toes touched, and stayed right there until we got to her cage! She is missing a toe and is very protective, Pat hasn't got to touch her feet yet but every morning I make an effort to just touch them so she will get use to it. Looks like it is paying off!


Sorry, I edited to resize the picture, not sure why it isn't letting me though. I have tried twice.



Edited by murfchck
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