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Interesting behavior changes


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Recall GreycieMae was beginning to enter what we all like to term the - "TERRIBLE TWOS" - whether it be real or a figment of parront imaginations. Whatever, she was getting nasty bitey, cantakerous and just being generally hard to live with. It was getting bad enough I didn't want her near me. Then we built an aviary. Her behavior changed dramatically. She went back to being that sweet little bird I remember. The one that barely talks but I figured that's ok because she has one hell of a personality and loves to wrestle and play and just be handled any way I please. Roll forward into November and we are caught in an Ice Age for North Texas standards. We are barely getting out of the 30s on a daily basis for the last two weeks. GreycieMae hasn't had any aviary time since the wooly mammoths began roaming the earth again. About 8 days into daily bird room confinement and here we go again. The nasty bitey witch has returned.


There's something to be said for keeping them busy all day. She's nowhere near as busy in her bird room as she is on high alert all day in her aviary. Can't wait for this ice storm to pass.

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Sounds like your going to ha e to get creative in the toy dept, old phones books work wonders in my house, cardboard boxes to tear up. Junk mail, toy buckets, hiding treats in cupcake wrappers tied in different places in their cages, maybe some new bird music or videos of other birds?

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I am just thanking God we have the playroom. Even then, for a few days it was too cold in there at night (which is when the budgies go in there). I didn't want to put the (bird safe Holmes) electric quartz heater in there, because of hot surface (bar on the front of heater and grille) and because of the risk of them chewing the cord. I am going to build a bird-safe enclosure that also encloses the outlet so the entire thing including cord is completely inaccessible, but my "engineer" is not available for design consultation. He's been gone THREE weeks this time (including weekends). So my interim solution was to take an old cage, put the heater in the cage. The tray is on the play top so they can't poop into the heater (just imagining the smell was enough to make me take great precaution to see that didn't happen). The heater is locked in the cage so they can't get to it, and I wound the cord around a perch so no excess is hanging down, and what little bit is hanging out goes right out the back and into the plug, both of which are hidden by the bottom solid frame of the cage which is pushed against the wall so they can't even get to it. This allows me to turn it on and warm the room up enough that we can still use it after dark.

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