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Getting a little nervous


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While Sophie LOVES all of us, there have been many changes in her life. Ryan and Sean are both off in college. She has adapted well, and skypes with Ryan. Sean comes home frequently, so she can see him. She has developed a very personal relationship with Sean. Ryan is coming home in December... I am concerned she will get over excited to see Ryan, as she was bonded to him first. That will put Sean on second list. Its not fair to Sean, as he has put in all the work and effort! Should I sit back, and see where Sophie's feelings are? I've already warned Ryan, Sophie may be confused Nancy

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I think all you can do is wait and see. Prepare both sons that Sophie may not react well. Have the humans prepared and let Sophie do her thing. I can see nothing you can do to change Sophie's reaction. She is one lucky girl to have so many people love and interact with her. I wish my family would even want to interact with Peanut!

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As one who has kids, I'd just let things roll. If they're both 'bird people' there are plenty of birds out there to accompany them through life. I didn't want to see my conure Stewart leave but he was so attached to Pickles the Parrotlet and Pickles is an external appendage of my daughter, I had no choice but to watch the three of them march out my door to life and beyond. Sounds like Sophie is going to end up with Ryan sometime in the future?

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Agreed birds choice they know what they want. Who ever shines a little less brightly in her eyes is no less loved just not the chosen one. You cannot steer or predict their choices she may surprise you and pout or be angry with him as he has been missing. YOU JUST NEVER KNOW.

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She will NEVER be angry with Ryan. Even if she hasn't seen him for a year, they skype and keep in touch. She knocks us down to run in the room the moment he walks in the door! LOL

SterlingSL... surprisingly, if anything happens to me, Sean gets Sophie and Sunny. If he is busy working on his future and can't take the two, my girlfriend cares for them until Sean can. He knows. Ryan will always be the " bird whisperer", but he is not up to the responsibility. Sean is. Nancy

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Hi Nancy. From getting to know Sophie through you this past year or so, she sounds like a very resilient girl who knows her own mind. I would just step back and let Sophie be Sophie and the guys be the guys. Or you might have Sean and Ryan do some fun 'hand off' games with Sophie, passing her back and forth and giving her goodies if it does seem like a hiccup in relations is forming after they are both home.

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