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I am posting this on behalf of one of our newest members. Please post any advice you may have. I have fixed her membership, so she will be able to post.


Hi Talon,

I'm hoping you might be able to give me some insight, I recently brought home two 28 year old amazons, my understanding is that the original owner passed away, husband presumably neglected birds, then gave them away, not sure how many hands they went through before me, my question is there Any other plausible reason for 1 of the birds to have baldness, significant damage to one of the wings. they are currently in 2 separate cages, the lady I got them from had them in 2 separate cages, prior to her is anyone's guess.

You can pm me or email me at jolin1711@comcast.net

Yes, I registered here but for whatever reason I am unable to post, slayv4petz is my username.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.



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It's not really surprising if these birds were affected in completely different ways, even if they both were treated identically. The dinged up baby may just be less stable. But something could also have happened to that one. I'd be concerned that the wing had sustained an injury that might even continue to be causing problems. The plucking could in part be because of that or be an entirely separate thing. If they haven't already, both birds really should be vet'd as soon as possible, even if they'd had an ideal life, which it doesn't sound like they've had.


Also, even though these birds have been together, doesn't mean anything when it comes to their relationship. They may hate each other. One may be afraid of the other. They could be crazy about each other, but still be in a destructive relationship. It can get complicated sometimes.


So I don't think you should start off assuming anything about these guys. Even whatever you may have been told. Suggest you take them to the vet, observe each of the birds individually & together & then start working on making each of them individually, feel comfortable & welcome in their new home.


And we at GF will be happy to do whatever we can to help you help them. There are a number of Amazon lovers here. And many of us have rehab'd rescued fids. Talon put your first post in Cricket's Amazon room. But whenever you can post, you might want to post something in the "Welcome & Introduction Room" & maybe "Rescue Bird Haven", as well. All of these places might help members w/different applicable experience get to know & help you. "Rescue Bird Haven" also has a lot of existing threads that might give you some good ideas too.




:) Welcome to Grey Forums!! Keep posting. Don't be shy about asking questions. There's a lot of people here to help.


:) Congratulations on your new fids!!


:) VERY awesome job, taking on these guys who sound like they really needed someone to love them. :)

Edited by birdhouse
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Talon Thank you so much for reading my pm, posting and fixing my posting problem :)

Birdhouse, Thank you for replying, please bare with me, it's well past my bed time.

I do plan on seeing the vet. By the time I sent Talon a pm, I had already been obsessively reading about baldness and beak and feather disease, no matter how I searched the same thing kept coming up, while I'm not usually the gloom and doom type, based on what I read. I was beginning to beat myself up, see these 2 are not my only fids, and it's the weekend. I've been a long time lurker here, so Talon was my best option for maybe easing my mind a little, and after sharing my concerns with my husband, I decided to take a break from reading, and focus on my babies and making sure that I do my best to make sure that they are as healthy and stress free as I can possibly get them, no matter what they are stuck with me! :)

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Zeus and Loki are lucky to have found you. Loki does look a bit shy of some feathers there. Please don't take what you read on the internet to be the final truth. I did that with my boy Oliver, i cried all the time and three years later, he is doing just great! The area plucked on his back, is that near his bad wing? They will sometimes pick an area where they hurt. His face looks like an over excited mate pick at it. I saw what looks like new feathers coming in so maybe the one who did that isn't with him any more. Both of their eyes looked bright and happy so just get them to the avian vet and see what he says before you go into panic overload, lol.

We are all here for you and congratulations! If you have not had birds before, you are in for some fun times and lots of changes! Please let us know about the vet and keep us updated on them!

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Hi slave4pets, and welcome to you, Zeus and Loki to the grey forum and Crickets Amazon room.

I just read your post about Zeus and Loki and I want to thank you for taking in these two needy Zons into your home.

There are a number of good sticky post for you to read to help you get started.

I have been away from the forum for a couple of days, but I will get back to you.

Until than approach them in a nonthreatening manor, speak softly, observe and enjoy them for who they are.

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Welcome and as Ray has said observation and a safe home with wholesome fresh foods may give them both an opening to give you some insight into their previous situations. If you read through some others tales of following a re homed bird through their unpacking of past lives you may learn a little more. It sounds like you have the patience, fortitude and the love needed to get them to a happy life.

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Hi Linda, welcome to the GreyForums. Thank you for rehoming these beautiful zons. Zons are not like greys, they try very hard to understand what their parronts (owners) are asking of them. All the parront has to do is tell/show them.


Yes it is best to keep the two apart until you can read their body language. Talk to your zons and watch and listen for their answers.


As for the plucking well, it might have been the other zon who pulled the feathers. It might be that the zon plucked his/hers feather because he/she lost the original owner. We can guess all we want but only the zons know what happened.


I would take the zons to an avian vet, and it has to be an avian vet to see if they two are healthy. Aloe Vera is a wonderful thing to spray on plucking. It is soothing. You do have to make sure that the wet feathers are dry before night so spray in the AM or early afternoon. Dave007 has great information in the Health Room so please check it out.


There is oodles of information in the rooms of this forum so read, read, read. I commend you for taking on these older zons. Thank you.

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Hi Linda


The vet visit is a must but you should know a couple of basic facts because your birds are 28 yr old adults.

After looking at the pics, it's obvious that the birds ned a certain type of misting with something other than water. There's a product called ALOE VERA JUICE which can be purchased at the large department stores which sell it. It's a liquid, is non toxic, doesn't burn and is very soothing. Many bird owners use it. When getting it, don't be surprised that the bottle says nothing on it that has to do with birds. MDs tell people to drink this when they have digestive problems. It should be used full strength in a mister and besides getting the bird very wet you should try to get as much of the skin wet. That reduces dryness on the skin. Do this on a constant basis--1x or 2x a day everyday. Do that to both birds.

Now as far as the bird who is a heavy plucker---the bird is 28 and it's very hard to know whether this is a chronic or acute condition. Sometimes birds will start doing this and never stop(chronic). The bird actually feels more comfortable by plucking. With other birds, they do that and stop and may not pluck for a long time or even forever( acute). At 28 yrs of age I would,t be surprised if his situation is chronic

That plucker needs another product that should be put on and massaged on those bare spots. That product is called ALOE VERA GEL. It's also non toxic, doesn't burn and won't hurt if accidently ingested. Keeps those damaged area less dry and many times, it discourages the bird from constantly picking and pulling on those follicals. That should be repeated 2x per week. That item also says nothing on the label that it pertains to birds. It's also used by loads of bird owners. Both items are relatively inexpensive. The juice and gel will cost a total of about $16 to $18. Try to get these items at Walmart. If you can't, just remember that the items may cost a few dollars more.

Edited by Dave007
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KimKim, Thank you for taking the time to read my post curiosity of Talon :) their names are Zeus and Loki :)


Murchison Thank you! Yeah I was a hot mess! :)

Loki does have new feathers coming back in, around the head area, in the last picture that I posted here, that's the damaged wing, but I haven't seen Loki mess with it at all. I think it's the 3rd picture you can see that the other wing is fine. I do have other pictures in the album, not sure if you are able to see them, but I use same username here for photo bucket. (Album is public)

Oh no these aren't our first fids, but Loki is the 1st one to come to us looking a little rough, we are now at 6 =O

all of our babies are re homes, our youngest 2 are 5 years old, the rest are 28 years and older, I'll add their pictures later.

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Ray P Thank you for reading and replying :)

I've been a long time lurker here, and have always loved learning so much from this board, Loki is the reason I finally joined.


Greywings, Thank you, my babies eat very well, better than me in fact ;) when we took in our 1st 2 babies, I would pull up this site, so I could food shop.


LOL kimkim :)


Acappella, Thank you for replying, I'll have to get back to you on that, as to whether they are a challenge ;)


Luvparrots, Thank you! So you're telling me that zons are easier than greys? ;) this is going to be fun . I'm a chatterbox, so I talk all.the.time. to my babies .

I do have an avian vet, they will be seeing her

But seriously no need to thank me! I don't think I'm doing anything special. And actually then I would need to Thank everyone that participates on this board, and those responsible for creating this forum, I've been a long time lurker, through here I learned about birds in need of homes, and was shocked to learn about how many are in need, that I told my husband that I would never purchase a baby, I would only take in rehomes. So Thank you all!


Dave, Thank you for replying, aloe juice is a girls best friend, I have been using the stuff since you posted about it, gosh I'm not sure how long ago, but I very been using it ever since, heck I use it for me too! ;) it works great if you have really bad dry hands, I'm talking where they cracked from washing so much kind ;)

See that's the weird thing Loki's wing looks like it was done some time ago, since I've had them, I have not see Loki mess with the damaged wing not once. Edit to add, Nor have I found a single feather in the bottom of cage either.


Brat Birds, Thank you, lol like your name, yes they can be brats ; )

Edited by slayv4petz
edit to add for Dave
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Saw vet tonight, Loki is to skinny, weight 455 grams, and she's a little dehydrated, no skin problems ie mites etc, feathers are growing back in around head and face, wing is not damaged but is feather less, vet showed me that they are in fact growing back, looked down throat, all good there. No blood work done tonight, she wants me to try and get more weight on her, we'll be going back in a couple weeks to see how our progress is, unless I feel that I need to come back sooner, vet was glad to hear that I haven't seen any feathers on bottom of cage, so we don't think that she is plucking.

Edit to add, the reason for not doing blood work tonight, the vet felt it would be unnecessary at this time, to not stress Loki out anymore then need be.

Edited by slayv4petz
Why blood work wasn't done
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Thanks :) I hope so, because I'll be a lunatic until she does ;)

Last night when we got home, I gave her an apple soaked in a little pedi-light (sp) gobbled that up.

We had to stop by Walmart to pick a few things up, I had her in the cart, I was surprised no one batted an eye lol, she seemed to like it, definitely not stressed out by our little outing :)

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So glad the vet trip was so encouraging, all in all! I also thought those pics looked like Loki had someone aggressively preening her. Still doesn't say that it was Zeus, though. And it doesn't say whether or not it was well intended, if it was.


Couple of quick things about the Pedialyte, just in case... It can be a life saver, literally. But it needs to be stored w/great care because it's a marvelous breeding media for nasty little things. So it also needs to be used w/in 24 hrs after opening & kept refrigerated in the meantime. It can be put up in ice cubes to safely use over a longer period, though.


After water, the main ingredients for any concoction that rehydrates are basically sugar & salt. Actually a lot of sugar & salt for a bird to consume over more than a day or 2 unless their metabolism is extremely compromised.


There are some additional benefit, if you wanted to replace the Pedialyte w/coconut milk for Loki's rehab'ing period, though. It has less salt & sugar. Fresh or all natural/organic coconut milk contains no artificial colors or preservatives. It is also a little fatty... in the healthy sort of way. :) But that will have the added benefit of helping you put some weight on your baby girl.

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Thank you, didn't know about the pedialyte, already gone as in thrown in trash, the coconut milk is that the same as coconut water? Heading to store in a bit, so any concoctions you or anyone can think of for adding on weight, I would certainly appreciate

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I don't believe the woman who I got Loki and Zeus from really knows what happened to Loki either, she only had them for a couple of months, she did tell me that Loki looked worse than the pictures you saw, and that Loki wasn't a picky eater, yeah well she sure could have fooled me! either that or Loki thinks my prep skills stink ;) lol and is teaching me to jump through hoops, with the exception of apples, I can't serve the same thing twice, yeah she has me trained really well ;)

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