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He Makes Up Words


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Right now Brutus made up a word and he says it all of the time (with all of his other stuff). I think he just likes to hear how it sounds. He says it as a question, as a definitive statement, and he says it really softly and sweetly. The word is "Jocker." He rhymes it too, he says "flocker" and "hocker." He also is attached to the sound, "awheeeeeeeeeee!"


What kind of stuff does your grey make up?


It is hilarious!

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GreycieMae has combined the dog whistle with "love you" when she wants us to come back whenever she sees us going out of her sight. It used to be dog whistle + "cm'on" which is what my wife does to call the dogs.



She also says "TICKLE TICKLE WICKLE PICKLE". At first I thought she made that up from her standard "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" but then I caught my wife one day saying that to her. Mind you, she picks up nothing from me which is part of my problem with her not talking much. My wife won't cooperate on the training front. So i'm pretty much stuck with a non-talker or non-sense talker.


Along that that same thread she did start doing a little giggle after I play stick-em-up with her. I approach her, give her the shifty eye, then point my pistolas into her wing pits and tell her to "STICK-EM-UP". Then I would tickle her side saying 'tickle tickle tickle'. One day she busted out with the cutest giggle and she's been doing it ever since.



I guess I need to look into some professional methods to teach her some talking.

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My CAG Gracie makes up "words" to songs. When I teach her new songs, she always learns the tune faster than the lyrics, so she fills in the gaps with words of her own invention that fit the rhythm of the song. One of the funniest examples is when I taught her the song "I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book. She added her own original scat jazz riff of "Doo doo dee doo..woo woo dooby doo". It was a hoot.

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GreycieMae has combined the dog whistle with "love you" when she wants us to come back whenever she sees us going out of her sight. It used to be dog whistle + "cm'on" which is what my wife does to call the dogs.



She also says "TICKLE TICKLE WICKLE PICKLE". At first I thought she made that up from her standard "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" but then I caught my wife one day saying that to her. Mind you, she picks up nothing from me which is part of my problem with her not talking much. My wife won't cooperate on the training front. So i'm pretty much stuck with a non-talker or non-sense talker.


Along that that same thread she did start doing a little giggle after I play stick-em-up with her. I approach her, give her the shifty eye, then point my pistolas into her wing pits and tell her to "STICK-EM-UP". Then I would tickle her side saying 'tickle tickle tickle'. One day she busted out with the cutest giggle and she's been doing it ever since.



I guess I need to look into some professional methods to teach her some talking.


That sounds SOOOO cute!

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I can relate on the training thing. Brutus always learned from my ex-husband. He does not learn from me, so he is making stuff up. I need a boyfriend just so Brutus can learn more vocabulary and Pancho can have a significant-other (since he likes men). Not really, but it is a pretty good reason. haha

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My CAG, Sterling Gris, is my talker. He repeats everything, but will not talk with a camera on. He does mix up phrases but only until he gets it straight in his mind. His worse. The phrase was to be: "Sheshe wants a cocktail." It came out: "Sheshe wants a cock." This lasted a few weeks but is now corrected to "Sheshe wants a cocktail". I am very grateful.

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Our Bird speaks English and Japanese. When ever she hears the phone ring she'll say "Moshi Moshi", hello in Japanese, and make up her own conversation and we have no idea what she is saying.


Also my wife taught her a Japanese song. She can't do the end part, so makes up her own words and rhythm.

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Right now Brutus made up a word and he says it all of the time (with all of his other stuff). I think he just likes to hear how it sounds. He says it as a question, as a definitive statement, and he says it really softly and sweetly. The word is "Jocker." He rhymes it too, he says "flocker" and "hocker." He also is attached to the sound, "awheeeeeeeeeee!"


What kind of stuff does your grey make up?


It is hilarious!


Am I the only one wondering how long before another variation of "Jocker" emerges? :rolleyes:


Steve n Misty

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phangtonpower.... How adorable! Your bird is learning, and they makeup words. Sophie does the same thing and has been learning several songs for a long time. She gives a certain " cluck " when she is happy with her version. I LOVE it and praise her.I never tire of listening to her trying to correct a song, and then deciding it is perfect! ( sure sounded like her original version to me!) I LOVE when she is very pleased with herself. Nancy

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Hey Dan! How are you? I was thinking about you the other day and hope you are doing well. It seems to me that you haven't been around much. I have been scarce since I just defended and wrote my thesis for my Masters of Science in Ecology. I WILL be graduating in December. With all that has gone on in the last year, i consider this a miracle!

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Phenix has about 3 words that have stayed in his vocabulary & I can't even guess what they mean to him. Something very good & very exciting, though, given when & how he uses them.


He also makes up word noises to accompany songs he likes. Even though he's never learned any songs, he will feel free to customize the music or lyrics whenever the spirit moves him. Sometimes, it's fascinating to hear. The first Xmas we played David Bowie & Bing Crosby's "Little Drummer Boy", Phenix did the most "inhuman" adaptation of his own harmony. I've always regretted not getting to recorded it because it had such a creepy kind of beauty we all just stopped whatever to listen!

Edited by birdhouse
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Sophie has been adding onto her vocabulary lately. Sean, my youngest, off at college, hasn't been home for two months. All of a sudden, Sophie is saying " whatz up"? ( ganster style). I know Sean taught her that several months ago. A few days ago, I was raking leaves... came in and commented " whew.... what a workout!" Today, was raking like crazy, came into the house.... Sophie said " whew... what a workout!" LOL! I was thrilled! She understood what I said the other day.. Nancy

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Peck was with me in the kitchen tonight, and I stepped into the other room for a moment. He's normally not much of a talker - never had been according to his first family. All of a sudden I hear him say, plain as anything, "Hey, there, Pecker."

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