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What a cute little bottom!!


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  murfchck said:
Nope, they are blue throats. You can see on the last picture, the one in the pen in the back, his front is the only one showing. I have blue and gold's so i do know the difference. I think she only has one blue and gold and he is one of her free fliers. And by the way, i thought all blue and golds looked like this...lol heehee


You're right. I didn't see the blue throat color on the bird's throat in that photo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you get it???? You should, really! Those cockatoo's sure need good homes. People just don't know what they are getting into with a cockatoo. Ahh, they are sweet and loving then one day when you don't give them the attention you did the day before, those lovely screams begin, you go to them and try and explain and all they understand is "hey, that screaming brought them right to me just as I planned, I shall scream now every time I need something" lol. Velcro bird or hemorrhoid? lol I love my guys!


Just a side note, I went back and looked at the pictures of the red front and blue throats to see how much they have grown and I noticed that there was a picture posted of an adult red front to show what a red front "should" look like and I just wanted to say that the baby red front doesn't get the red on their head until they are a little old, the babies only have the red cheeks to begin with. That is a red front baby I posted. They are so cute and so much smaller than a blue and gold. Only 2 blue throats left, I want one so bad but maybe in another life, this one is full of greys and blue and golds and amazons, lol. ( and one red front in a few weeks, heehee)

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lol. No new pictures, sorry. We were wrapping a flight and feeding everyone before the really cold weather hit. I did hold that cute little grey though while the dinners were being readied. She is such a cuddler right now. I see a mean, head strong bird though, she fought and fought me not wanting me to touch her. She went to the center so I couldn't reach, but I managed to lure her out and she was striking at me but then I picked her up and she went right to my neck and got about 20 minutes of head rubs then cried and growled when I tried to put her back in the play pen. Her new family has named her, but I can not remember what. The scarlet is Arson, that name fits him well too. He is so sweet, but turn you head or look at another bird and his jealously comes out. I was holding him and he wandered up my arm to my shoulder, I figured he is a baby, what harm is there in that, ha! He hated the red framed glasses I have, as long as he didn't see them we were fine but when he did he struck at me and baby or not those are some strong jaws! lol She actually had to rescue me and get him off of my arm. He is starting to fly now and he is so big he is knocking everything down, it is a sight.

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  murfchck said:
I did hold that cute little grey though while the dinners were being readied. She is such a cuddler right now. I see a mean, head strong bird though, she fought and fought me not wanting me to touch her. She went to the center so I couldn't reach, but I managed to lure her out and she was striking at me but then I picked her up and she went right to my neck and got about 20 minutes of head rubs then cried and growled when I tried to put her back in the play pen.


Hrrmmmm...must be a family trait. Head strong being the key trait. GreycieMae slips in and out of the mean bit. One day sweet and loving and then, I'm guessing just the sight of Toby will set her off, she will all of a sudden get nippy and growly and just plain cantankerous. We've learned to adjust, after all, I am Certified Felix Trained now.

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I didn't get that cute baby... My groomer knows I am tough, and Sophie comes first. I want her to be adopted, we have played together for several months! She is a keeper! In the end, if she doesn't find a home, he knows I will take her.

I really don't want another bird, but my groomer knows if she isn't adopted, she is mine. I just don't want Sophie to be jealous! She will be possibly! I think Sophie would like her! My groomer has encouraged me to bring Sophie around,to see Nancy

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With more than one I have found that doing things with or for them should be done in the order they were brought into your home. I really don't know if means anything to them, but it seems to keep anxiety down. So many times I have found myself standing in their room with food bowls in my hands, looking around stumped asking them who is next as I go over the order in my head. Bongo, Oliver, Bubba, Gabby, Gus, Cotay, Lily, Koko, Chacho and Ixta. However since the Too's are in a different and Chacho is in a different room the order gets confusing in my head!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I got to do my Monday visit again after missing a few weeks. My little grey baby is there. I can't ever remember her name, mostly because I can pronounce it. (it is from a show like Frozen or something, Obleya, or something else and that may not even be close. lol This little girl is going to be a handful to her new owners. She is quiet and calm, the typical picture of the "perfect" bird. Until you turn your back, then she is into everything. Pulling things off of shelves, getting into the food and eating inside the bucket, leaving nothing behind but a trail of crumbs. You kind of think that all greys look alike but she is just absolutely beautiful. I don't know what is different about her but there is something.

Arson, who had a name change because of it closeness to another name who is a free flyer, is now out with the grown up babies. I didn't get to play with him but never fear, she found 4 more eggs so there will be more of his siblings later on! She is going to pull 2 eggs and let mama take care of the other 2, 4 are just to many for her to take care of. This is only her second time to lay and the first time she had 2 eggs but kicked one out. So she is going to just leave the 2 and see how she does, when I asked why she is chancing it, her answer was that you will never know what she has learned until you let her try. Ha, so simple and true.

I know I could never breed, she had someone picking up a baby when I got there and I wanted to cry seeing him go with them. Broke my heart that a baby I have know since it hatched will be forever a memory.

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  murfchck said:
So I got to do my Monday visit again after missing a few weeks. My little grey baby is there. I can't ever remember her name, mostly because I can pronounce it. (it is from a show like Frozen or something, Obleya, or something else and that may not even be close. lol This little girl is going to be a handful to her new owners. She is quiet and calm, the typical picture of the "perfect" bird. Until you turn your back, then she is into everything. Pulling things off of shelves, getting into the food and eating inside the bucket, leaving nothing behind but a trail of crumbs. You kind of think that all greys look alike but she is just absolutely beautiful. I don't know what is different about her but there is something.



I wish you could meet GreycieMae and tell me if you see the same 'thing' in her. When we were visiting her as a baby, she was exactly as you say with this new little one. However she was very independent. Greycie's two clutchmates were still there when we went to see her. The male was calm and friendly. The other female was exceptionally friendly and very clingy (which I liked at the time). GreycieMae was "Hi, what's your name? Quick, I have other priorities, like that nice hat you're wearing - mine mine mine". I still remember being 'talked into' taking Greycie. We both (us & the breeder) knew she was going to be a handful but neither of us would admit it. We wanted the bird, she wanted to sell us the bird.


My wife told GreycieMae just a couple days ago: "Greycie, if your sister had been available when we went to look at you, you would not be here today causing all this damn trouble". Greycie likes to wait silently while we round the kitchen corner out of sight and then it's what can I get into. Recently we've been keeping the baby goat confined in the kitchen since it has indestructible porcelain tile. Greycie's favorite past time: throw things off the counter at baby goaty or get on the floor with baby goaty and chase him and make him squeal.

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Had my Monday visit. My little grey will be going home next weekend to her new family. She wouldn't let me near her, it was sad for me to not be able to hug her and tell her bye. However, it was still an exciting day. The scarlet that had 4 eggs found a few weeks ago, 2 hatched yesterday. Odd that 2 hatched in the same day but hey, when your ready to come out you do! We tried a few times to get the other 2 eggs out but they were not going to let that happen, hopefully she can get them today. Since the weather is so cold here now, most of her birds have been brought inside so we cleaned cages, that was fun, lol. She has free flight birds who are trained not to go near people and I am trying to get in their cage, haha. I just stuck to the ones I know, safer that way. I did see a grey I have not seen before, she is so light in color you could call her white. I told her that if they ever had babies, I wanted one for sure. She was the most beautiful bird I have ever seen (and I got to hold her, heehee, then she burped at me so I put her back in her cage)

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