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Rachael's Angel

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Hiya all, my name is angellady,

right i'll tell you a little about myself and my baby.

I am a clairvoyant medium and i do alot with angels, when i was 16 i worked in a pet shop and they had a lovely parrot named rocky, since meeting rocky i've always wanted a parrot, any way when i got to 23 i decide to buy one, my boyfriend bought the ad mag and we look through there were 2 listed. so i went to the first house and met this beautiful african grey we clicked straight away she was 2 years old and the owners could no longer look after her.

i said to the owners i'll take her just as i was leaving i said oh by the way whats her name and they said ANGEL i came to the conclusion it was fate me getting her,

she is a beautiful grey but can have a very mardy streak in her lol.

hope to speak to you all soon and share your experiences.

love and light


xxxxxxxx angel-566c0508003e3c130b7359a641ac599f.jpg


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Hello and welcome to the family, Angellady, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. I am sorry you are having plucking problems but in time maybe it will resolve itself.


I believe in fate also, and it was surely meant for you to have this grey and she is very attached to you. She is a beautiful one too from the looks of her in the picture, thanks for sharing a photo of Angel.


You will find many threads here on various topics, read thru as many of them as you can for lots of helpful information and if you have specific questions please feel free to ask us anything. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any other photos you would like to share with us please do, we love to admire each other's greys and we also have a thread where you can post a photo of yourself if you would like to share what you look like.

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