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Another rookie mistake!


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I lost Beautiful in the house! My perching finger was a little sore so I wrapped some white medical tape on it before getting Beautiful. She climbed onto my finger and when she saw the tape she freaked out and flew from her cage and took a right at the front door and flew down the hallway. I wasn't concerned because she always comes looking for me when she lands. I expected her to come walking down the hall asking to step up. I took the tape off my finger and called her. I went into the front dining room. She wasn't there. I went to the bedroom and she wasn't there. I checked the laundry room and bathroom. She wasn't in the den. I started to panic. I thought she might have fallen into a toilet. After searching for about ten more minutes I found her sitting motionless on a potted plant in the front dining room. I picked her up and she took flight again! Once again she had completely disappeared. I found her a little more quickly because I heard her moving behind a sofa in the den. I had to restrain her while walking to her cage. I'll never put tape on my finger again! She seems to be afraid of white things. She returned to normal after relaxing in her cage for about an hour.

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I think that's less a rookie mistake & more a rite of passage. There will always be things you just cannot predict about your fid's reactions; albeit good or bad. Paired w/the ever popular "hide in plain sight" w/its mega adrenaline rush eventually followed by the realization they were right there all along. Yeah, good times!


Because they're prey animals, they become invisible instinctively when they're scared. It can sometimes help if Beautiful has learned to answer a contact call, though.

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Yep, many's the time I've searched my home calling out for a hidden Dorian after something has scared him into flight. The worst one was the day I found him clinging to my grey herringbone winter jacket after 40 minutes of searching. Talk about camouflaged! This was another day he flew into hiding. I don't know why it's upside downattachment.php?attachmentid=25746&stc=1



Edited by Acappella
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You really can't predict what will set them off. This time the tape may have been the catalyst which sent her into hiding, next time she may chew on the white tape. As we read with you, I'm sure each of us has felt that rising panic. They are masters of disappearing or blending into their surroundings. It's one of the things that make it so difficult to recover them if they get outside which is one of our greatest fears. I'm so sorry for you and Beautiful getting a fright and also quite relieved you found her, rescued her and calmed her. I'm sure your heart was pounding too loudly to hear yourself think.

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We have all been there! I am deaf in one ear, so I can't differentiate where sound comes from.While Sophie does a contact call, and I believe in them being established 100%, I still can't tell where she is sometimes. I think she knows this, and when I ask her to tell me where she is.... she does this " perfect squack", that I can hear and find her. I think she knows I have a hearing problem and raises her pitch for me. Nancy

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After Brutus broke through a loose screen and was gone for three days, I come home and I am on alert. I do not relax until I see him. Sometimes he is not in his usual places and i start to freak out. I always tell him before I leave to, "stay in the house." All of my windows are no longer open except for a sliver, so he can't fly out. He doesn't hide so I can usually find him very quickly.


It does mess with your mind when you can't find them.

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