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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Your Ark is never quite full is it? Love those Shepard mixes, smart dogs. Hope gabby just beat those tail feathers trying to avoid those scary perch covers. I like those corner perches for birds that have leg issues have you tried one yet? That could be scary as well but at least one can place a tasty treat on there to help make it a better place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blood test mailed for Marleys dna test yesterday. I can't wait to know if she is a she or if we need to add a silent Bob in front of Marley for a new name!

Gabby is still doing the same, no change at all. Worries me a lot but since everything checked out okay for her, i can only assume i am being an over protective paront.

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I don't know if you should be so quick to question your parronting skills. Sometimes gut instinct counts for much more than blood panel results. If you still think there's a problem after ____insert_time_frame_here___, maybe they should have another look under the hood.


Just because something's not right doesn't necessarily have to do w/some big, scary, awful thing. Maybe a a little something unusual got overlooked while they were checking that big 'ol list of usual suspects.

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I have enjoyed catching up on your thread. Glad that Gabby hasn't had any dire revelations on her health tests and hoping she settles down and stops with the feather damage. Gil goes through some phases of barbering her feathers and even went through chewing her tail off over and over again. Then she has long stretches when she seems to regrow all her feathers and look good again. Hope Gabby is having a phase and it turns around soon.

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The feather damage has been about year now if not a little longer. She has been to vet twice now about this with full blood work and they couldn't find anything other than a few sores on her feet. She has them often though because of the leg damage so we never gave it much thought. She eats, drinks and plays (when she wants to). I told her if she didn't stop this, i would be putting a vest one her. I got the stink eye with a little smirk because she knows i am all talk and would never put a vest, collar or anything like that on her, unless she mutilated of course.

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Oh did that just cause a huge flashback! Long time ago now, I had a teil with the exact story. She was 20'ish when her problems started. We started going to the vet & just kept on going. Basically, anytime anyone else was at the vet, she came with to get a quickie look see. Of course in those days, the vet would do it for next to nothing. Like I said, a long time ago. sigh


Anyway one time she had a little something going on w/her foot. He said it was just a little wound that should be fine if we kept it clean. In a while it did go away & it was forgotten. In hindsight, it was the only telltale symptom she displayed.


Finally after idk how many trips & or even how long, a blood panel finally came back w/a sugar count that was thru the roof. She would eventually be diagnosed w/geriatric onset diabetes. No other blood draw happen when her sugar was whacked. So there was no way for them to find out unless maybe they'd recognized that foot sore.


At the time, things looked kind of bad. We talked about putting someone that old & that small thru insulin shots & it just seemed wrong She lived in a humongous cage, got plenty of exercise (always had) & was otherwise in excellent shape. So we decided to try her on a special diet & basically let things run their course. When she died about 5 yrs later, it was probably as much old age as anything.


Maybe this is something to pursue w/Gabby?

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Can't hurt. She mostly eats sprouts and pellets now.


Drum roll please, the DNA test is back. Marley, the military macaw, is now Bob Marley but the Bob is silent. Lol, finding it hard to stop calling him her or she. Never knew how often i did that until knowing his real gender!

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My Ollie is sick. We are at a loss what to do (other than going to the vet which i can not do today). Gabbys huge vet bill has broken us until another payday. He is very lethargic, eating and sleeping. He still ate his nuts but wouldn't hold it, he put it in his food bowl and ate it that way. He looks at us but his eyes are glassy and seem to be looking through us. It is like he had a seizure, which he has had before. He generally snaps out of it in a few hours but this is the next day. My baby boy, i am so sad right now and absolutely helpless.

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I was told by hubby that Ollie was waiting with vigor for breakfast and said his eyes were brighter. He also mentioned that he could be tired because i kept going in and checking on him. Hmm, that could be true i guess. Hubs also could just be saying that to keep me from stressing out all day!

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Ollie is very sick. Not able to hold his body temperature, 5 degrees below normal. Has lost alot of weight since last dr appointment, about 200 grams. Dehydrated also. They injected fluids under his skin, drew blood, swabbed his crop and gave him 2 shots to help him through the night. Blood tests will be in tomorrow and he will have to return for more fluids, trying to avoid the iv right now. He is in his cage which is wrapped in a quilt ( with air gaps) and a heater for warmth. Praying he makes it through the night. He is my baby boy and i am just heart broken right now and kicking myself that we missed this. How did i miss this?? It makes no sense to me.

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Of course, we'd all feel guilty. Whenever it's our fid it's our fault. But you didn't miss it. Ollie hid it. We all know how good birds are at hiding symptoms. If this was anyone else posting about their fid wouldn't you know this wasn't their fault?



If it helps any, the old school hospital set up is an aquarium w/a blanket over it & a heating pad under it. It keeps them out of any drafts & in a constant temp of 85 or above very nicely. Also keeps sick fids from falling off a perch or wasting energy moving around. Everything can be put w/in easy reach so they don't have to go anywhere for their food or water.



Ehugs & good thoughts. I really hope you'll hear better news today.

Edited by birdhouse
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