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What a sight to wake up to.


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Sometime during the night Gabby must have fallen off her perch and she broke the end of her top beak off. The bleeding had stopped but it was horrifying. Her entire beak was dried blood and drips were everywhere. I have been running home every few hours to check on her in case she hits it again and the bleeding starts again. I gave her oatmeal and sprouts for breakfast because i wasn't sure if she could eat but she did a good job eating it all.

I am not sure if there is anything a vet could do for her. She doesn't seem to be in pain but they hide things so well.

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That sounds horrible! What a thing to wake up to indeed. I have to say that my first thought when coming downstairs in the morning is "sure hope Timber is OK," even though I have no reason to believe he won't be. Considering the size of your flock, I really don't know how you do it!

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So glad Gabby is okay.


Sterling Gris, CAG, at least once a month falls off his perch. At first this got me up in the middle of the night but now, 4 years later, I am use to the sound in the middle of the night. Luckily, he has never gotten hurt must be all the padding on his tush.

Edited by luvparrots
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So, from this picture she is hanging on the side near the top. I don't know if it shows but her beak was covered in dried blood and the blood on the cage in her beak print. Then there is the angled tip of her beak. One would really think she broke her beak right? I checked on her every two hours yesterday, running home from work just to make sure there was no new blood. Her Daddy gets home, runs to her and says "I do not see where her beak is broken." Since she only lets me transport her and that morning clean up her beak, that had to be the issue. Turns out I was looking at the wrong end. She had broken a blood feather on her butt end by the preen gland. Her face was covered in blood because she was trying to pull it out. Doh! Pat gave her a bath and a good once over, we have to assume she got it out. There was only one red feather on the bottom of her cage, and it was solid and no blood on it, but that was all we found. Poor guys had such a bland breakfast yesterday because I was afraid of her being unable to eat and no fruit because I didn't want it stinging her beak wound, lol. I feel like I am functioning on idiot drive lately.

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Poor little Gabby, and poor Lisa too. That would have scared me too. I haven't quite gotten over clipping a toenail too short... On a weekend when the vet was closed. What was I thinking? I never did that again. Miss Gilbert broke a tail feather once and there was a lot of blood. It's worrying to see our companions distressed or in danger. You sleuthed it out and she is okay mama bird. Good job.

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So glad it all worked out OK. Especially glad that Gabby is OK.

I remember waking up to blood all over Peanut's cage one morning too. He had a nose bleed! I got it stopped and called the vet who said they couldn't do anything more than I was doing and to push sweet potatoes and carrots because they have clotting properties. I was on anything forum then and when I told them that the vet said to push those things someone thought it meant to push them up his nose! LOL

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Walking in to that would have scared the poop out of me. Once Dorian broke a blood feather and he wouldn't let me hold him and get anywhere near it with clotting powder. It seemed like all the blood in his body must have been on the cage bars, but I knew logically it was only a tiny amount. It was in the winter so a vet visit would have been problematic. My heart was racing long after the blood stopped flowing. Did the injury slow Gabby down at all?

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LOL, we are much better now. She is back to her spiteful self of tossing the dog food bowls to the floor when we turn around to get the wet food - right after we put the dry in. (you think we would learn, have the wet food ready, don't turn around to get it from the cabinet, but noooooo, we never learn)


It is funny to me how, like kittykittykitty, human accidents and blood and gore do not bother me one bit, but let one of my feathered fids give me a watery poop and I turn into a helmet wearing, window licking, short bus passenger and vow I will make it better by their next poop. My brains go right out the window when it comes to them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

150.00 bucks for a broken blood feather, i would say well worth it! The feather had been broken and try as she might, it just wouldn't come out so she chewed it closed. Every time she would try and mess with it, she would squeeze the feather to pull and the blood would start again. We couldn't find it and the reason why is a good lesson, doh! Just because the blood seems to be in a certain location doesn't mean that is where the injury actually is. Remember when this first happened i thought she broke her beak, then when hubby got home the blood was near her tail feathers so he looked and looked and we assumed she had taken care of it herself. Turns out the nasty feather was on her wing, I know i never looked there. I took her to North Texas Animal Emergency and i will tell everyone that i love that place. I pay 75 at my vet for the exam, it is 120 at the emergency. Not a whole lot more at all to get your bird seen right away, no dropping off and the vet seeing her when he has time. When you drop off they hit you with an 8 boarding fee too so now we are even closer to the 120. If the vet uses a tech, you get another additional charge. They just keep adding on. I spoke with the vet at the emergency and turns out his wife is an avian teacher at Texas A&M so that is where his passion is, in birds. His final words to me though were that Gabby was fat, i said "really?"( in a sarcastic way ) He just said really, really fat and that even though she doesn't get much seed to remove them from her diet all together and no nuts for a while. Ha, he needs to just babysit her and get her weight under control then because she loves her nuts and daddy will not deny his baby girl anything! lol He told me sprouts and pellets are just fine with her fresh fruits and veggies everyday, no seed not nuts!

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And so poor Gabby, her saga continues. So much for really liking that emergency vet. More blood yesterday. Daddy got to really look at her last night. Again yesterday morning their were little beak marks of blood on the bars, and again I thought i missed some spots. It wasn't a whole bunch and nothing on the papers below so i didn't put much into it. When i got home from work it was a big rush, I finally dumped State Farm and was on the phone with another company, Pat was waiting for me because it was his birthday and his mom cooked him dinner so she was also waiting for us. Got that all settled, ran in and told them we had to go but would be home soon. When we got home Pat asked that for his birthday, he gets to rest and wanted to go to bed. Hahahahaha, i agreed. I let him go to bed and i went into play with the birds. Blood again, and this time i know i didn't miss any spots when i cleaned it. I went and got Pat so he could look at her. She very nicely let him look her over and he found 3 more broken feathers and they were on her butt area. He pulled them out and then we saw it. She had a very swollen follicle with a broken feather in it. She had damaged all those other feathers trying to get to it. Pat put her back down on the table and pulled it out for her. She was so sweet, no holding her down, no toweling her, she knew he was helping her. It was so sad though, we cleaned her up and then worried about how many he pulled out, would she be too stressed now? At this point, i called the emergency vets again and told them what had happened, it upset me that the vet found 1 feather and said he was done. Charged me 150. In my opinion, did not do an exam which i paid 120 for and missed 4 feathers so he actually owes Pat 120 for the 4 he had to pull, at 30 bucks a feather. I think it is fair to pay for the one he did pull.


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My opinion of vets and doctors are not very high. In know everyone screams to take the birds to the vet and once they get the all clear everything is supposed to be ok. We found out with Raven that with a LOT of researching on our own our knowledge of PDD far surpassed the many vets we had used. It was to the point we walked in and told them what we wanted done and what meds we wanted.

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