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Dining with a parrot


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TOO FUNNY!!!!!! Might as well set another plate! We did.... My son Sean is very particular, and has always been, that when we can all be home together as a family, we need to " eat as a family!" ( since he was a little kid!) The only way to have peace, was to set a spot for Sophie. She has eaten with us for years. I would yell upstairs to kids... " dinner!" I would hear ryan and sean both say " coming!" It wasn't them, but Sophie imitating!Sophie would be at the table, but not kids.. I was soooo annoyed! LOL! Nancy

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I've tried setting another plate. That's never good enough. For instance last night, wife made some very healthy stew/soup/whatever you want to call it. Totally bird safe and healthy. Everybirdy gets their own bowl including wife and I. GreycieMae decides my bowl is best shared, with her. I was literally doing like in the cartoon, which is why I found it so funny this morning. I don't mind sharing,except I get in big trouble when my share-buddy drops ever-damn-thing she eats on the wood floors. Then we both get run out...


I've even tried yelling at the wife, that shit never works.

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She needs to learn " table manners!" Once on your shoulder, say no! Put back in front of her plate! It takes time..... but " table manners", can be taught! I always felt that if I allow Sophie to eat dinner with us, there were rules to follow! She learned! You do it over and over and over again! You have to have the patience of a saint! Remember.... Grey time, is NOT our time! I am extremely stubborn, probably more than Sophie. She knows this now.... but it took at least six months. I could wait her out! She no longer tests me, as she knows I will wait out her protests, or attempts to manipulate my behavior. She won't win. I am very empathetic.... Nancy

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My wife has rules about meal time. Beautiful has to be in her cage. As we eat Beautiful will say, "Want some please!" I will get up and feed her something. This will continue until we're done eating. I end up walking back and forth a dozen times.

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The flock mentality in my house is we eat as the happy flock we are.. I don't believe in excluding my parrots from the dinner table. They are always welcome to eat off of my plate...mostly they grab what they want and take it elsewhere as there are 3 little beaks in the way as well as a fork! But Nilah...she rarely leaves my plate. IN fact, she has taught ME manners...I am allowed to share the plate with HER!

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Well trained indeed... Timber doesn't want to sit at the table with us and eat from a plate. He prefers to go to the peak of his cage and making little baby bird cheeping sounds until one of us brings him a bite. If we don't get there fast enough, he latches onto the bars and rattles the cage hard enough to make a metal clanging noise until we get there. I'm afraid to see what he would do if you didn't bring him a bite in response to that! Don't think I want to find out. ;)

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It sounds to me, life would be soooo much easier, to have a bird at the table! If bird psychologists had a say, that would be a no! As we have been doing it for years.... its really not a big deal, and Sophie has EXCELLENT manners compared to her cage manners. We also enjoy her conversations. Sometimes she can't keep up and breaks out in " baby talk!". Her voice matters! We enjoy so much her happiness just being at the dinner table I can't wait for sean and ryan to be home for Christmas! She will go CRAZY! Nancy

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Anything i eat, I share. Bite for me, bite for Brutus, bite for Pancho, and bite for Jimpster, and repeat….

Unless, of course, it is a salty snack and then I hide before I eat it since they can't have salt.

I eat dinner, in peace, after they are in bed.


I especially feed them special human food (healthy) when i come home from an extended time away, just as a mama bird would do with nestlings. You know if a mama bird is gone and comes back she better be packing some chow!


It makes it seem like my time away benefited them...

Edited by chezron
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, and Pancho, the Panama Amazon chow hound, he watches me like a hawk if i go to the refrigerator or the pantry, he says his name until I share. (Like I would forget that he is in the room! haha) I don't always share, or if i do share i either give him what I am having (if it isn't bad for his health) or give him something way better for him than what I am eating. At least i give him SOMETHING. Although it might be a carrot when I am eating lasagna. He does love carrots. He has me WELL trained, as they all do.

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lol You guys almost make me feel guilty. Almost!


Everyone here gets their own food in their own dish & gets served at the same time. No critters allowed at the dinner table. Seconds & left overs wherever available to be distributed afterwards. NO mooching! No exceptions!


I fixed a lovely meal for everyone & now I expect to be allowed to enjoy it -period-


Apparently, I'm a very mean mommy. :P

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That is kinda how it is in my house too Birdhouse. I always fix Marco's food first. I feed her anything fresh breakfast/dinner in a bowl ontop of her cage so its separate from seeds and pellets. She KNOWS thats where HER food goes and she'll happily pace back n forth (if shes not with me) waiting in that spot for her food.


typically she doesnt eat until I come out with my plate and sit down for dinner then she will go to her bowl to eat at the same time as me. maybe only twice has she been brave enough to come check out my plate (scrambled eggs) and I let her eat them with me.


She does however like whatever I am drinking (water, juice etc all bird safe stuff) and will put her beak to my cup if I raise it to my lips. Its kinda cute :)

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Oh, definitely... all bets are off w/anything in a cup! lol My guys really are good & I don't have any complaints about dinner time. But Phenix has always had a huge cup thing that actually helped me get thru to him back in the day. So while I make all the cranky noises about sharing my drinks w/selfish little fids, they so know better! Besides, anything the fids can't have goes in a "sippy cup". No one can accidentally commit death by hot chocolate & I have that many fewer failed attempts to clean up too. >;>

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