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peek a boo


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Marco has been saying peek a boo for awhile now but lately, shes reallllllly gotten into it. I usually duck my head down where she cant see me when shes ontop of her cage then bounce up really face and say PEEK A BOO then duck back down. Course we do this for several minutes. Well the other day I caught Marco actually do the head motion, she lowers her head then springs up and says peek a boo .... I couldnt believe it :-O :-O :-O

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GreycieMae does that too. One of her few phrases/words. She'll do it hanging off the back of the laptop. She'll swing back and all you see is her toenails. Then she'll pop up and go 'peek-a-boo'. Yesterday her and Toby the Caique had us in stitches. They were on the floor. Toby was under the living room table and there was a cross-support between them. They were both peeking over the support at each other doing peek-a-boo back and forth. It was absolutely hilarious, especially because usually they can't stand each other.

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Megan learned "peek a boo" from watching Marnie on YouTube. However, the family also has a cockatoo that says "Whee bee" and Megan picked up the "Whee!" So she started saying "weekaboo". She still says that. She doesn't do the popping up though. Her newest thing is bobbing her head to music and going "Dance! Dance!" LOL

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