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Today Escher let me play with his feet. Since we have had Escher the only time I can touch his feet is when he climbs around in his cage. I can touch them when he wraps them around the bars. I completely understand, if I had my nails pulled out I wouldn't want anyone to touch my feet.

Well today he was on the arm of my chair and I touched his foot. He didn't react at all so I touched it again. This time he grabbed my finger and laughed. I told him "I'm gonna get your foot' and he would either beak my finger or grab with his beak. We did this for about 10 minutes then he got bored. He ran around his play stand a few times then came stand on the corner. Escher stood on the corner with one foot one each side and leaned on the foot furthest away from me. He then turned his head away from me to look at me from the corner of his eye. I was so excited he wanted to play some more. We played get your foot for about another 10 minutes before he got bored and decided he was ready for bed. It was absolutely adorable.


On another note, a couple of days ago I leaned down to pick him up and asked if he wanted to come with me and clear as a bell he said "Of Course". Tonight before the I got your foot game my husband coughed and startled both birds. Escher flew off his stand and when I went to get him I asked if he was ok and he said "daddy's fault". That is the first time he acknowledged my husband as daddy.


Escher amazes me more and more every day. I'm so glad he chose me.

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I used to play that game with Mar. I'd gently grab his toe and said "I'm gonna get your toes!" then he'd just as gently grab my finger in his beak, and I'd say "Oh no, don't eat my finger!" Megan turned that into "Oh no, eat my finger!" LOL


Escher sounds incredibly smart! :)

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SterlingSL, we got Escher when he was 10 months old and the lady who had him raises a lot of different birds. One of her other birds got out of it's cage and landed on Escher's. It grabbed and pulled out three of Escher's nails. He had balance problems when we got him. He's learned to compensate though. We didn't think the nails would grow back since he is now over 2. Lately we noticed that they are starting to grow back. They're not very long yet but they are coming back.

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Wow, I do recall that story now. Glad to know they will regrow. Surprising it takes so long. I have noticed with my three birds there is something about the fall season that causes them to grow nails and beaks. I never have to trim except in Sept-Nov. All of a sudden I have three birds with overgrown toenails and two overgrown beaks. It happens so suddenly too. My wife starts complaining that Greycie's nails are hurting and then I notice her beak is needle sharp.

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Wow, I do recall that story now. Glad to know they will regrow. Surprising it takes so long. I have noticed with my three birds there is something about the fall season that causes them to grow nails and beaks. I never have to trim except in Sept-Nov. All of a sudden I have three birds with overgrown toenails and two overgrown beaks. It happens so suddenly too. My wife starts complaining that Greycie's nails are hurting and then I notice her beak is needle sharp.


I swear Megan has a grinding stone in that cage somewhere and hones hers to the sharpest possible point......

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