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Bongo's after hours vet visit.


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So after work yesterday the birds all came out as normal but Bongo just didn't seem "right". After his plucking ( which we have found out is barbering all over his body) and little things that have been happening, like he bit me for the very first time in 3 years, toes seemed colder than usual, fluffed up and mouth open tongue flicking ( like panting but not ) just thought it best to get him in. Other than being slightly over weight, his exam went well. One thing they forgot to ask me and I forgot to tell them was that he is flighted, lol. They took him to the back, he stepped right up for the dr, let her touch him, put him on the scale, stepped back up for her then decided he was done and took off around the room a few times. That's my boy! So after a long discussion, it has been determined that he is just upset about Chacho moving in. She discussed some meds for him to maybe change up his behavior, then wean him off of them but I am not ready to drug up my lil boy. I ordered the Rescue Remedy for Lily and will try that for him. We are going to move him to the living room for some time off and to get away from the others and see if that helps any. It is amazing that he was our first bird and 7 others have come since and it is the 8th that bothers him. Chacho has however chosen me where all the others chose Pat so I can see where Bongo is upset by that. The difference in Bongo at the vet though really bothered me. He was so happy to be around other people. Laughing and whistling and just happy to be the center of attention, I feel like I have let him down.

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I seriously don't know how everyone deals with more than two birds. We added a third and that is over our limit (looking back on it). Our first hogs so much of our time there's no way another bird could pick me and I get to spend time with it. That's probably what Bongo is dealing with. Good luck with him. He's a Grey right?

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I have found picking a 'special' time for each bird helps. With Megan, her special time is right at bedtime, and in the afternoon while I am cleaning in their room. Rasa also gets his 'mama time' then. Peck's time is at night when everyone else has settled down and mama is doing up the last of the dishes. He comes out to the kitchen and flies from one stand to another, supervising and serenading with the beautiful songs of his homeland interspersed with microwave beeps, lol. This seems to keep everyone happy, except for Megan, who is still plucking as I am working (outside the home) at the moment.

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He is first and has remained first. First for coming out of the cage, first for feeding time. What I did today was I brought him out this morning to help me make breakfast, then we had to go out for the afternoon so when we got home he came out and helped me with the dinner. He really seemed to like that time with me. Thursday night when he was helping me with the dinner, he kept getting scared off my shoulder by the flying cottonballs landing on my arm.

I have noticed a weird sound he is making so I do think this is part being jealous and part not feeling good. We will see next week.

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Keep a close eye on him Murfchick. You seem to have an intuition about him that I think you should pay attention to and not ignore. Sometimes changes in behavior are indicative of changes in health. I don't mean to frighten you--just be aware, as I am sure you are. You know him FAR better than your vet.

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Seem to be almost back to normal now. I think he just needed that "extra" attention. lol He sees that acting out gets you more face time than being a good boy so he thought he would try it out. I had no choice yesterday but to put the crock back in the cage, he dumped his water at least 4 times before I left for work and it was my long day so I worried all day long. He did dump it again sometime during the day but there was still some left on the bottom for him if he needed a drink. I didn't want to chance it again though so when dinner time came and I filled it again and he dumped it again (rinse repeat 3 more times) the crock came out and was put in the cage. He tried hard to dump it but ended up just banging his beak on it and gave up. He is whistling and laughing again so I am very happy about that, also he destroyed two of his toys yesterday, yeah, instead of his feathers! Who knows if it will last but there is always going to be hope!

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murfchck,,, you never let Bongo down. I wasn't sure why you were concerned about Bongo being happy when at vet and interacting. THAT is a good thing! Healthy, and interacting, which is always a parent goal. Obviously jealousy. One suggestion I have, I always picked up Sophie early in the morning... we sneak off to interact. I am sure that is why Sophie " whispers" at times. Its our time, and noone is included! Nancy

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Prior to the vet visit, he wasn't interacting. It was only when at the vet did he perk up, that is when we deemed his diagnosis as neurotic, lol. Since the vet visit, he has turned around and whistles and makes his noises again. Laughs when he does something that makes me work a little harder. I hadn't heard him laugh in weeks. He did begin to barber himself but I am keeping lots of shreddable things in and around him for when that urge hits. He is being spoiled again and he does love that but then again, who wouldn't!

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You are tuned in to all of your cast of characters. Glad Bongo is coming around and that he wasn't sick. I'm amazed at how well you take it in stride to care for each of your birds and know how to keep them all happy and healthy. I have quite a challenge staying one step ahead of Miss Gilbert. Next time though, I hope Bongo can tell he needs you without a bite and a worrisome vet visit.

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He is a ladies man for sure. I had forgotten some of the sounds he makes, it has been a while since I have heard them. Last night I was carrying in a few "soda" cans and out of no where he starts the opening of the cans sound, I have missed that one! We are also starting to learn Up On The Rooftop song for Christmas, heehee, he has the first note down, this may take a while. He also helped me last night with the sprouts, I was shocked. He flew to my shoulder, walked down my arm and got on the faucet while the water was running bouncing his head as I shook the mix to drain it. Then he reached around and pulled out a feather, I don't see this picking stopping but what the heck, bald or not he is my love muffin and whats one more naked bird. That would make 8 of 9 that pluck. He is the first however that started plucking after he moved in.

Making their dinners are so funny and just confuse my hubs to no end. After all this time he still doesn't know who eats what and what bowls go to who. Each bird gets what they like and every night I go through it with him. Bongo, Gabby, Oliver and Chacho love snap peas, the rest do not, Gabby and Lily like carrots. Lily likes corn, the rest do not. Bubba likes pasta, but just the noodles, Bongo just likes the shells and Chacho likes the spirals. Oliver likes all pasta. They all love rice of any kind. Lily loves apples and so does Cotay. Oliver and Bongo like mandarin oranges. Koko likes applesauce and so does Bubba, but not apples. Gus is the peanut butter king but he will only eat it off a spoon, don't try and put it on a cracker. Broccoli is Bongos favorite. Cheddar cheese is only eaten by Koko, Bongo, Chacho, Cotay and Oliver. If you put the dislikes in any bowl, dinner will not be eaten and I will be picking it up off the floor! And these spoiled guys get two cooked meals a day, no wonder I am nuts!

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