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Is this a faze


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Just wondering if Sako is going threw a faze with her perch and cadge,as I know they will get protective and she has never shown aggressiveness before towards me but now when I go to put seeds and stuff in her forging tools she comes at me and try`s to bite me,Its like she saying hay this is my stuff back off lolo... and if I am not watching so jabs at me,I tell not to and settle down but if she can she well try to get me,Is this just a fazes because she never did this before and I do make sure she cant get me but I don't like this kind of behavior as if some one else try`s to approach her,I don't want this to happen as I am trying to get here to interact with all people, any suggestions on how to curve it or some incite to why well be apresheated here.

Thank you. and also she has been with me only for about 7 months now and she is about 4 years old,she is generally a gentle bird.

Love and Light all

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I have that problem with several birds, including Megan. I just do the in-cage stuff (filling bowls, filling foraging toys) when they are out of the cage. I also keep a dowel handy in case of attack, I get them to step up and move them farther away. Even though they are flighted, they don't often fly to attack. And sometimes just holding the dowel in between beak and my flesh is enough to block the bite.

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Seven months is not a long time in grey time but she has established her cage as her domain and some birds are very protective of it, its her safe place so if she doesn't like the intrusion then do as Dee suggested, either fill her cups when she is out of it or use a stick to block a bite.

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She's being cage aggressive like everyone else said. Her cage is her home, and sometimes, like us, she just doesn't feel like having people in her home. Respect it when you can and wait to do the cage cleaning and toy filling until she is engaged in something outside her cage.

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I have had Misty for more than ten years and as a rule he is sweetness and light. I can put my hand in his cage any time even when he is in there. But he is very possessive of his clip on water feeder. I have to take care to get his permission before I dare touch it. Even if he is on the other side of the room he will fly over ready to protect his precious! :D He has a thing about water. If I am forgetful and leave a tumbler of water or other drink in plain sight he will fly on to it. The trouble comes when he kicks off.:eek: So I have to diplomatically persuade him to step on my hand without fuss. If I misjudge him he will nip! It's a water thing!;)


Steve n Misty

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