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Question about loss of feathers

Amit Gomes

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Hi guys n gals,


I hope all of you are well & your fids are chattering away.


I havent been on the forums in a while & thanks to the great advice & information I have received earlier for a lot of you my fid, Smokey is doing well & has been healthy.


I have noticed yesterday that he lost a couple of tail feathers & about 8-10 smaller feathers (not wing feathers). I did instantly panic cos I suspected feather plucking but while scratching his head a few more feathers just came off. Not quite sure if this is normal & if it is a usual molt. He is about 1.5 yrs & has been with me for a year. He has not had a molt yet. He is quite normal otherwise, diet hasnt changed, has just started to talk & chatters on the whole day & everythin else seems good.


I have my 2 sisters who have come to live with me since a week & I am not sure if a change in the people he usually interacts with could cause stress. He seems quite happy & even goes to one of the girls & lets them scratch his head. So I dont think stress of new people being around is there but still I would like your opinion.


Could anyone let me know wht they think? I did call my regular vet today however he is on holidays & the others here in the UAE are pretty much quacks who deal with dogs n cats & arent proper avian vets. I would rather hear what you guys have to say first before taking him to a vet I dont trust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, try a gentle mist to relieve some itching and just watch the feather loss for a few days. If Smokey hasn't had a molt yet he's overdue so that's my first instinct as to what is causing the feather loss. When they are moulting they can lose an amazing number of feathers quickly. Look at the feathers. Is there any sign of blood on the tips of the shafts? If not, they were probably dead and ready to molt out.

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  • 4 months later...

hello, im new here dunno what i should do or how as im not used to forum b4, but i got a situation that need help: i noticed a small patch on my timneh head when i examined it i noticed a loss of feathers, and for the next 5/6 days she's losing about 6/7 feathers a day it looks like a normal molt but cant understand the bald area on the head :( can anyone help plz?10923480_10153016021724223_457908722399212703_n.jpg




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