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Peck's Adventure


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Peck was fine Saturday night, and when I got up Sunday, his breathing sounded noisy, like he had a head cold. One nare had discharge around it, dried, and looked wet inside. Being Sunday, I sent a message to the vet office re: getting an appointment in the morning. As the afternoon went on, it got worse. Bubbles, then clear draining running out. At which point we headed for the emergency vet.


A couple of things seemed odd - it was very strictly limited to one side. And the onset was SUDDEN. Very sudden.


Turns out he somehow had gotten a small piece of wheat or oats in his sinus. Probably from regurging, which he'd been doing lately. The vet cleaned it out and sent him home. We still had them do a culture and sensitivity test, just to be sure. Never again will I chuckle at the parent with the child who put an eraser up their nose.

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Oh my STARS!! All the things that I'm reading on here...are making me think I need to move to Seattle, NOW...to be close to an Avian Vet...instead of waiting until the Spring! A "clogged nare from regurging"?? What's NEXT? I've been so INCREDIBLY lucky, thus far!! Thanks for that post! Keep us informed on how he's doing! PLEASE! ...(she groans as she buries her head in her pillow....and prays....)

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I started reading your post with dread, I am so glad Peck is fine now. I always read that when you notice a bird is sick THEY ARE REALLY SICK!


I am so paranoid about Brutus. Always looking at his poop and listening to his breathing, and his little fast heart beat, and warning him, "Be careful!" like it is going to help keep him safe from harm. What else can you do?

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Good that you are so observant and prepared for anything. I'm glad you caught it early so there wasn't a long term effect. It always seems this kind of thing with our birds or kids happen in the out-of-office hours, doesn't it? How did Peck handle the adventure?

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Good that you are so observant and prepared for anything. I'm glad you caught it early so there wasn't a long term effect. It always seems this kind of thing with our birds or kids happen in the out-of-office hours, doesn't it? How did Peck handle the adventure?


The vet was amazed at how well he behaved. From the growling I heard, I expected to see blood or at least a band-aid on the vet or the tech, but no... he's all bluff.


He's back to normal already, eating well, singing his beautiful native Grey songs, and trying to 'break' Riley for rodeo. Had I not intervened, he'd have probably gotten his eight seconds. The dog was NOT amused but not harmed. He went back in his cage for the rest of the evening after that stunt. What astounded me is I was literally about three feet away. He was on the door to his cage, climbing up and down like he always does, when he spied the dog wander in. Peck was almost upside down but let himself drop and missed on the first attempt, flapped and landed on poor Riley's back. I yelled, the dog yipped, and Peck hung on. I grabbed "the stick" and said "STEP UP RIGHT NOW, MISTER!" and I think he knew from the tone of my voice that I meant it. He stepped right up on the stick and went right into time out. Riley was unharmed, I think it just scared him. (It was poor Riley that Maks did this same thing to, years ago). He does this to me all the time, landing on my head. I am a bit more understanding than the dog was. I can't believe he did this right in front of me. He's going to be getting all his out time in the kitchen until his cytology labs come back and he goes back into the 'bird room'. In the kitchen there is more room for the muttlets to give him wide berth, which I guarantee Riley will be doing after this.

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Muse... so glad everything worked out! We have had so many sad stories lately. Sean knows I am nervous leaving this weekend. I am sure, it is because too many stories lately with not happy endings. He will come home this weekend and now has offered to come home next friday as well. I will come home next monday. Nancy


I am glad he's watching over Sophie! You are so lucky to have such a great family. :)

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