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Help Tiny Moe & Toby get better!


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Yesterday was a very sad day for my dear Toby - as you may know from my frantic posts, Ive been worried for some time about his poor eating habbits. Tiny Moe-Bob the cockatiel was found half paralysed in her legs and we rushed her to the vet immediately. He felt the problem could be attributed to one of two things. Either Tiny Moe had fallen from her perch and hit the carpet with a crash or she had the dreaded...polyomavirus... We had her injected for the swelling and pain and monitered her progress. I did some research on the net re the virus ans learned that it is highly contagious and deadly - especially to young, smaller birds like Moe-Moe. I rushed both Toby and Moe to the vet again that evening in a pannic and had Toby vaccinated with both an antibiotic and a vitamin B injection to stimulate his appetite. The vet was very re-assuring and later that evening Toby tucked into a good meal! Again the next morning he was up and about early demanding to be fed and ate a whole bowl of veggies! We have another appointment with the vet this evening and Tiny Moe will have another injection and HOPEFULLY the vet will mention that lovely word 'progress'... She still hasnt had more than a few tiny grains of millet and a drop of water here and there so I dont know if she will make it through another day if theres no improvement. Im very worried...




I will keep you posted as to theyre progress but in the meantime - ALL COMMENTS AND TIPS WILL BE GREATFULLY RECIEVED! Have you had a similar experience?




Please help...


Love Tiny Moe, Toby and Hayley

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Thank you for your concern... Well - reading up on how polyoma can affect your birds in the future I asked the vet if it may be worth putting tiny moe out of her misery... He noted that she had made a few small changes for the better - along with some for the worse like black droppings (digested blood) and vomiting. She recieved another injection of antibiotic and we took her home to see if she would make it through the night.




Even munching on a few grains of millet! However - even if she does make it through the initial spell of the virus, the damage is irreprable and she is likely to die from complications in a few months...


Toby had another shot of antibiotic and is looking much better! He seems very aware of tiny Moe's plight and stands over her staring down at her instead of antagonising the poor little thing! They still talk to each other during the day. I hope its all encouragement to get better soon!


Another trip to the vet is scheduled for this evening along with the last of the vaccinations. Lets hope tiny Moe pulls through and regains propper use of her legs...

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Thank you Rose, I will! Dad tells me that you are enjoying this site - Im glad! I am too... Tiny Moe mOe is muuuuch better today - she has eaten her way through 2 strings of millet and is able to ballance a little better. 2 more injections and that will be the last she sees of the vet - we hope!


Toby is much better and his appetite is back! His little chest is still bloody and stained from all the injections... Poor little guy! He gets extra cups of rooibos now..


Love 2 Sassy and family!

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Ah! thats great Haylz! Yay! I must pop past one day to see the little guy. :) Yup! I really am enjoying this site. But still having a tough time navigating it, plus its slow. :dry: Oh well, you know me.. once I get into something I get hooked!!!:lol:

Love to all!


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