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Hi people just wondering about plastic bottles with caps on them like empty vitamins ones that have been washed,because Sako loves to play with them and get the caps off,she has never liked bird toys as I use to buy them but she wont do anything with them,so I was kinda wasting my money on them so I stop buying them.Just wondering if chewing on the plastic well be bad for her in the long run,and also how cold can the greys handle weather out side,as its getting colder here and I want to let her still go out to her out side play area...

Thank you if anyone can help with these?

Be well all

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As for plastic - our birds, Grey included, tear up the plastic wiffle balls that you see in pet stores that are sold for cats. I come home daily to bits and pieces of plastic. I've closely watched our birds and if they swallow a piece it would be by sheer accident - ours do not eat the plastic.


I'm interested in the outdoor temps as well as I plan on taking a 4-day this weekend and finishing our aviary.

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My Grey's love wiffle balls and plastic bottle caps, if you know anyone who sews a lot i have then save the plastic spools from the threads and i dry out wine corks. Ping-pong balls are great too, they are to big for them to pickup or bite but they have fun knocking them around the cages and the floor and chasing them

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While I have read that some birds ingest plastic, Timber does not. His favorite thing to play with is a blue plastic straw from the convenience store. You would think it was Christmas... ;) He leave little blue bits everywhere but has never eaten any of it that I can see.


As to the temps, I'm no help there. I saw someone post at one time that it was a matter of being acclimated. I.e. if the bird is outside they adjust to seasonal temps. This would not really apply in your case if the bird is going from a warm house to an outside aviary I would assume. I'm sure there are limits and hopefully someone who knows will post.

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